Getting your exam results is often a day of mixed emotion and often a time for some silliness and fun. Students often write on each others uniforms or get up to the odd bit of mischief however it usually goes no further than that. They they get their results, go out to celebrate and look forward to finishing school and starting college or university.

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The video below shows the moment one student named Jacob Dowdle, 18, decided it would be a good idea to squirt a plate full of shaving foam and launch it into his teachers face. He probably thought she would get caught up in the joviality but in fact quite the opposite happened.

Jacob Dowdle is now hoping the decision to expel him is revoked.

Not only did he get expelled from school meaning he can kiss his college / university applications goodbye. He also got arrested by the police.

Tim Gartside, head teacher at Altrincham Grammar School for Boys, said it was a ‘a planned assault’.

He said: “Like many schools, we like to mark the end of Year 13 and students have, from time to time, enjoyed clever, tasteful and original pranks that have neither harmed nor humiliated any individuals in the school.

Mr Gartside added: “Jacob Dowdle’s behaviour was not a prank. His slapping of a teacher in the face was a planned assault.

“He must have realised that such behaviour would have serious consequences.”

Since the event, Jacob has launched an online petition to try to get the decision to expel him revoked.