As we all know, the journey of life starting at birth is not an easy one. A lot of pain and discomfort – from morning sickness to horrible contractions – are endured to bring life into the world. For 9 months, women become superheroes who endure strange and bizarre phenomenon that few know about. Check it out…

#1 About 1 in 3 women give birth via C-section in the US (in Cambodia, the number is close to 100% due to religious reasons – can you imagine?)


#2 In the second half of a pregnancy, the baby is likely to urinate up to ½ Liter of fluid per day – and then drink it.


#3 Over the entire pregnancy term, the uterus stretches up to 500 times its normal size (for example, from that of a peach to that of a medium watermelon).


#4 Toward the end of the pregnancy, her body produces more estrogen in one day than a non-pregnant woman would in 3 years.


#5 Water retention and additional fluid can cause a pregnant woman’s foot to swell up to a full shoe size.


#6 The longest reported pregnancy was 375 days (ugh!)


#7 Tall or overweight mothers have an increased chance of a multiple-child birth.


#8 Pregnant women’s sense of smell is heightened – steering them away from food that would be harmful for the baby


#9 Approximately 90% of women experience a change in their skin tone during pregnancy.


#10 A child’s fingerprints are formed within the first 3 months of pregnancy.


#11 Newborns can weigh a lot – one was recently born at 15 pounds, 7 ounces.


#12 As blood flow increases during pregnancy, nosebleeds and bloody gums are normal.


#13 Babies can taste what the mother is eating – strong flavors like garlic are easily transferred through the amniotic fluid!


#14 Over the past 20 years, more baby boys were born in America than girls – but women still outnumber men in the general population.


#15 The only real proven method for inducing labor is the “comfort technique” – otherwise known as nipple stimulation.


#16 It is said that women who have heartburn also birth babies with full heads of hair.


#17 Babies can cry in the womb – they are practicing for when they come out!


#18 Pregnant women and new mothers lactate when they hear a baby crying – whether the baby is theirs or not!


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