They use soft statements to convince you

Maybe the best tool that mediums have at their disposal to build trust is something called soft statements. Essentially, they will refrain from using concrete terms and will instead hedge what they’re saying, to make backtracking when off-base easier. For example, they will say “A loss has led to your low mood” rather than “You experienced depression after the death of a family member.”

They research subjects ahead of time

Many people don’t seek out a medium by themselves, and are instead referred to one or gifted a reading by a friend/family member. This added level of distance makes it easier for the medium to gain information about the subject ahead of time, such as their profession, their priorities and the people no longer in their life that they miss.

They speak slowly on purpose to appear omniscient

If you’ve ever wondered why psychics and mediums speak so slowly, it isn’t just to give them an air of mystery and solemnity. Speaking slowly, with long gaps between words, gives the subject time to interject with new information and correct misunderstandings. This lets the medium change tack in the middle of a sentence, so they appear to have never been wrong.

They treat corrections as clarifications

No matter how good a medium is, they can’t go an entire session making zero incorrect assumptions, which is why they’ve developed strategies for covering mistakes. Not only will they start sessions with disclaimers that there’s bound to be some slightly off info, but they will respond to corrections with things like “yes it’s becoming clearer now”, reframing it as info they knew all along.

They draw inspiration from your house

If you invite a medium into your home, they might ask to use the restroom before they begin, or request that they be left alone to cleanse the space you’ll be using. Some use this time to subtly check for family photos of lost loved ones or other contextual info like medication and pets, in order to make their readings seem more personal and less universal.

They watch for facial expression changes

If you’re looking to book a reading and see what a medium really knows, the best thing you can do is keep your face as neutral as possible. Throughout your reading, a medium will watch for widened eyes, smiling, frowning or tears to indicate when they are correct about your familial relationships, fears and anxieties.

They make bigger swings in bigger audiences

While a one-on-one reading is likely to be informed by some pre-work and begin with universal statements that slowly get more personal to you, group readings are an opportunity for mediums to make more specific swings. They might start with certain specific causes of death or first name initials, knowing that they’re likely to apply to someone in the audience.

They guess things based on clothing choices

A medium can get a lot of information from your wardrobe. If you’re wearing a cross, for example, they may tailor their reading to ideas of the Christian afterlife, and focus on the idea that loved ones can see the path you’re on and approve. Someone wearing a lot of flowy garments might instead get a reading about how a loved one has been reincarnated as a nature spirit.

They mostly lean on positive statements

One commonality between mediums and other kinds of psychics is that they will lean on positive statements rather than negative ones. Since most people go to a medium for clarity and reassurance, they are far more likely to say “Your grandma is proud of you and watching over you” than “Your late loved one is worried that you’ve lost direction.”

They pick subjects based on body language

If you’re at a group reading, you might wonder how the medium picks their subject from the dozen or hundreds of people assembled. It’s actually pretty simple: they use body language. People leaning forward, who chose to sit in the front row and don’t have their arms folded in front of them, are likely to be more susceptible to and engaged with their reading.