It’s natural to be concerned about pets and kids getting to know each other as one never quite knows what will happen. When it comes to pets and babies, it’s not like one can attempt to have a discussion as neither one is capable. And so, there is a bit of worrying that happens. One couple experienced just that… let’s see what happened.

Image Source: viralnova

Returning from the hospital, here is their first meet-and-greet.

Image Source: viralnova

Wilbur, the pup, started keeping the newest family member company.

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He even slept by her crib, protecting her.

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He waits for Sleeping Beauty to awaken each morning.

Image Source: viralnova

The baby had a mild case of jaundice – you can see the tube for her bili blanket. Of course Wilbur continues to monitor her.

Image Source: viralnova

…and keeps on monitoring…

Image Source: viralnova

Wilbur will need to learn about personal space one of these days. But(t) for now…he’s right by her side!