30+ Bizarre Favorite Foods of Famous People

Chilli pizza sandwich - Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence's favorite snack will most likely take up your entire recommended calorie intake in one bite. She calls it her chilli pizza sandwich, and it involves putting a heaping spoonful of chilli and noodles in between two slices of pizza.

Unfortunately, there's very little information or backstory to be found regarding the origins of Jennifer Lawrence's culinary invention. Nevertheless, it seems obvious that this could be a messy dish, so if you feel like trying it make sure you have some paper towels on hand.

Beaver tails - Henry VIII

It's no secret that Henry VIII enjoyed his food, perhaps even more than he enjoyed wedding ceremonies. While many of the people he ruled over lived in squalor and ate anything they could get their hands on, big Henry was chowing down on the best food the land had to offer.

Henry VIII's favorite meal may surprise you; it wasn't a Sunday roast or a coq au vin, he did famously hate the French after all. No, it was beaver tails. Barbecued beaver tails to be precise. He also enjoyed eating swans, peacocks, and even whale meat. What a versatile palate he must have had!

Peanut Butter & Jelly with Cheetos - Channing Tatum

Channing Tatum's favorite snack puts a unique spin on a childhood classic. Instead of just having his peanut butter and jelly sandwich on its own, he adds Cheetos for an extra hit of cheesy, unhealthy goodness. That initially sounds like a pretty gross combination, but it works for him!

Tatum prefers the original flavor of Cheetos in his PB&J sandwiches, but if you fancy a bit of a kick, why not try the flaming hot Cheetos instead? It's unlikely that Tatum was chowing down on too many of these sandwiches during his preparation for the Magic Mike movies though.

Candy stuffed pickles - Tiffany Haddish

Comedian and actress Tiffany Haddish's favorite snack sounds rather gross. She will bite the end off of a pickle and stuff it with hard candy, such as a Jolly Rancher or even a peppermint, to balance out the saltiness of the pickle brine with some sweetness.

You'll have to be careful not to lose a tooth when you bite into the pickle, as unsurprisingly, the candy will remain hard, even when covered in glorious pickle juice. Also, it's best to keep a napkin on hand, as it gets pretty messy.

Buttery coffee - Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow likes to start his day with a 'bulletproof coffee'. This involves putting butter into the boiling hot drink and getting in the calories without consuming any carbohydrates. It is a hugely popular breakfast hack with people engaging in a ketogenic diet.

In an even stranger twist on an average coffee routine, Tebow puts in a mixture of caffeinated and decaffeinated granules, in addition to whipped cream and low-fat almond milk. Good luck asking a barista at a coffee shop to make you a Tebow special.

Brownies with ranch dressing - Dove Cameron

Actress and singer Dove Cameron likes to get her fix of sweet and savory at exactly the same time, regularly eating chocolate brownies covered in ranch dressing. Cameron has been eating this combination since she was a child, and people around her have always found it strange.

This is understandable, as brownies with ranch dressing is a combination that only a curious child could dream up. Thankfully, Cameron does understand why the combination won't be appealing to most people but urges everyone to give it a try.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and pickles - Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez is most definitely an experimental eater, as her combination of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups eaten alongside pickles isn't her only mad food invention. Still, it remains one of her strangest combos, and one that we don't recommend you try without access to a sick bucket.

Essentially, Gomez is playing along with the golden rule of food: that you need a mixture of saltiness, sweetness, and acidity to create a fully balanced meal. She gets all of those sensations in abundance with this snack, though whether it's enjoyable is another question entirely.

Banana and mayonnaise sandwich - Dale Earnhardt Jr.

NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. likes to get race-ready by munching on a banana and mayonnaise sandwich. If anything, the combination sounds a little bland, with neither mayonnaise nor bananas packing much of a flavorful punch, or any meaningful texture other than goopiness.

Earnhardt Jr. isn't the only person regularly tucking into one of these disgraceful-sounding sandwiches, as they are commonly eaten in the southern parts of the United States. It's not surprising that they have yet to take off across the globe though.

Clay - Shailene Woodley

Actress Shailene Woodley believes that clay is one of the best things that you can put inside your body, claiming she has been consuming it since she was first told about its positive effects while having a conversation with a taxi driver.

Clay supposedly helps to remove heavy metals from inside your body, as well as sorting out negative isotopes. If you're feeling like trying it out, please do your research, as eating clay that you've picked up from your local beach will not be healthy or delicious.

Peanut butter scrambled eggs - Scott Foley

Like many, actor Scott Foley starts his day with a plate of scrambled eggs, but whereas many would have their scrambled eggs with a slice or two of toast, Foley instead adds a large spoonful of peanut butter instead. For the healthy fats, of course.

He mixes the peanut butter into the eggs while they are cooking in the pan, allowing the nutty flavor to fully infuse itself into the mixture. Unlike a lot of combinations in this list, a mixture of peanut butter and eggs doesn't sound too horrific, as long as you don't add ketchup.

Cereal with ice cubes - Gene Simmons

Gene Simmons, bassist and singer in the band KISS, likes his cereal to be extra cold in the mornings. To achieve an adequate temperature, Simmons puts ice cubes in the cereal bowl along with milk, which may cause it to end up tasting a little watery.

It turns out that Simmons isn't the only one who does this, as many of the replies left on his Twitter post about his unusual breakfast being fully supportive of his endeavours. If you don't mind your milk being diluted, this could be the combination for you.

Tuna Salad and fruit punch - Adrienne Bailon-Houghton

American TV personality Adrienne Bailon-Houghton adds a rather strange ingredient to her tinned tuna. She mixes it with fruit punch, before putting it into a salad, claiming it to be an incredible combination. It's easy to make too, if you feel like trying it yourself.

All you need is a tin of tuna chunks, a bit of mayonnaise, and some fruit punch. Mix the ingredients together, season them to taste, and you'll have a strong tasting, fruity bit of fish to have on top of your lettuce. Delicious!

Mussels and watermelon - Wendy Williams

TV personality Wendy Williams starts her Sundays off with a bowlful of mussels, cooked in a rich tomato sauce. This would all sound very nice and luxurious, if she wasn't mixing it with another bowl full of watermelon.

Another issue that many have had with her food combination, is the fact that she eats mussels for breakfast. Most people will settle for eggs, toast, or maybe even cereal. Few will ever even contemplate eating seafood in the morning, especially not such a decadent kind.

Stuffed pigeon - Cleopatra

There's nothing that Cleopatra loved more than to throw elaborate dinner parties, inviting the highest profile characters across Egypt to enjoy great food with her. The ancient Egyptian cuisine was based around meat, fish, legumes, vegetables, and, of course, extra virgin olive oil.

Despite having the choice of any meal she wanted, Cleo's favorite meal was actually the rat of the sky, the pigeon. She enjoyed it stuffed with beans and vegetables, with a side of bean soup and a mixture of barley and spelt. That almost sounds good?

Pickle and mayonnaise sandwich - Katie Lee

The idea of making a condiment made from pickles and mayonnaise to spread on a sandwich isn't really out of the ordinary, that is, if you put something else in the sandwich in addition to it. This is not what celebrity chef Katie Lee did.

Lee's mayo and pickle combo in a sandwich was something that she craved during pregnancy, and she has carried on eating it ever since. You'd have thought somebody that writes cookbooks for a living would have been craving something a little more exciting than just sauce on bread.

Pepperoni and pineapple pizza - Kylie Jenner

Pineapple on pizza stirs up a lot of controversy, with some believing it to be a sacrilege, and some thinking it is the greatest topping of them all. Professional famous person Kylie Jenner stands firmly in the second category, but somehow her stance is even more controversial.

Her favorite food combination is similar to the usual Hawaiian pizza, on which pineapple usually resides. However, she swaps out the ham for another pizza topping that is severely frowned upon in Italy, pepperoni. A strange mixture, but one that obviously makes her happy.

Armadillo - Charles Darwin

Legendary scientist and father of evolution, Charles Darwin, used to frequently travel the world, experiencing new countries and finding new species of animals. One of these interesting new species was the armadillo, a strange looking mammal with a shelled back.

Darwin claimed that armadillo meat looked and tasted like duck, which he was a huge fan of. Another of Darwin's favorite meals was the meat of a puma. He claimed it was one of the best things that he had ever tasted.

Pork rinds and shrimp paste - Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen has her own website called Cravings, which is dedicated to snacking - so you'd expect her to be tucking into some delicious bites between meals. It turns out that this isn't the case, as her favorite snack is a combination of two foods that should never even be seen in the same kitchen.

Teigen likes to dip pork rinds into shrimp paste, calling it a type of 'Asian surf and turf'. The model and TV personality consumes the combination to drown out the taste of alcohol. Many have said that if Teigen hates the taste of alcohol so much that she has to turn to such a disgusting snack, she should probably just stop drinking.

Texas Popcorn - Selena Gomez

In this edition of Selena Gomez's awful-sounding food combinations, we'll be taking a closer look at her popcorn, tabasco, and salt combo. The singer and actress calls it Texas Popcorn, although we're not sure whether the people of Texas would actually want to claim it as their own.

Texas Popcorn is easy to make, as it can be mixed around in the little paper bag that popcorn kernels are sold in - if you use the microwave cooking technique of course. All you need to do is pour some tabasco sauce in the bag with the popcorn, along with some pickle brine and salt. Good luck and godspeed.

Lampreys - King Henry I

Most people would see what a lamprey fish looks like and get themselves as far away from it as possible, without even contemplating the prospect of eating one. With their wide, funnel-like mouths that contain more teeth than you'd want from your evening meal, they are far from appetizing.

This didn't stop King Henry I, who regarded lampreys as his favorite meal. He enjoyed them so much that he ended up eating too many in one night, against his doctor's orders, resulting in his untimely death at the age of around 67. Whoops!

Wafers and lemonade - Giada De Laurentiis

TV chef Giada De Laurentiis enjoys surprising her viewers with unique and interesting recipes, with her guilty pleasure combination certainly ticking both of those boxes. She enjoys dipping either Milano biscuits or Nilla wafers into her lemonade.

It's understandable if you're dipping your biscuits into tea or coffee, but lemonade seems a little out of place in the world of dipping drinks. But, who are we to argue? After all, she does make food for a living.

Asparagus - Julius Caesar

It turns out that the Roman emperor Julius Caesar was a big foodie, becoming enraged if any of his dishes were prepared in the wrong way. His favorite food of all was asparagus, prepared with a drizzle of olive oil over the top.

The love for asparagus ran in the family, as the first Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar used to commission boats, known as the Asparagus Fleet especially to bring back the much-beloved spears, so he was never in short supply. Asparagus just by itself as a meal? Pretty weird!

Chocolate sandwiches - Andy Warhol

Famous 20th-century artist Andy Warhol had the sweetest tooth in popular culture at the time and was known for his almost obsessive love of cake. He even created an art piece which he called Love is a Pink Cake, which is difficult to argue with.

Warhol used to make his own cakes and he was proud of his self-penned recipe. Follow along if you wish: Put a chocolate bar on top of a slice of bread. Put another slice of bread on top of the chocolate bar. Bon appétit. Simple and delicious!

Brown rice and olive oil - Giada De Laurentiis

Another of Giada De Laurentiis' favorite snacks is a mixture of brown rice and olive oil. She has it every day for breakfast, and even has the cheek to call it a 'breakfast bowl'. Breakfast bowls are typically stacked with more than just rice and oil De Laurentiis.

As dull as it sounds, eating brown rice and olive oil is a healthy way to start the day, as olive oil offers lots of benefits to your immune system, skin health, and much more. De Laurentiis recommends using three tablespoons of olive oil for every 1/4 cup of brown rice.

Stewed tripe - Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin was a butcher's dream, a man who enjoyed eating the parts of an animal that people would tend to avoid, such as offal and tripe. Tripe was his favorite meat product, especially when it was cooked the way he liked it.

Chaplin enjoyed his tripe stewed and served to him in a bowl with other sloppy, mushy-looking foodstuffs. The silent-film maker was the very antithesis of a fussy eater, and would likely have enjoyed a plate of dog food if push came to shove.

Insects - Albert Einstein

One of the greatest minds the planet has ever seen was largely fuelled by insects. Once the acclaimed scientist Albert Einstein tried his first grasshopper, he truly caught the bug. He would often munch on insects as a little snack between meals.

He would wash these insects down with celery juice too, just to double down on the grossness. When he wasn't eating insects, Einstein loved to eat mushrooms and eggs, which he would fry in honey before consuming. Weird food choices all around!

Mushroom Ketchup - George Washington

George Washington existed in a time when the culinary world wasn't awash with rules about things you should and shouldn't eat. He also struggled to chew on a lot of foods due to the insanely poor oral health that he had become known for.

This is why the very first US president decided mainly to stick to mushy, soft foods, such as mushroom ketchup. This was a mixture of mushrooms, of course, along with horseradish and anchovies. Washington's mystery sauce soon became popular with his soldiers too.

Peanuts in cola - Jake Owen

Singer Jake Owen was introduced to the combination of peanuts and Coca-Cola by his dad during long horse rides around the state of Georgia. Owen describes the moment his dad pulled out a bag of peanuts and a bottle of Coke as an almost religious experience.

It's the mixture of sweetness and saltiness that really excited a young Owen, and it is clearly the nostalgia of the moment that keeps him feeling so enthusiastic about such a basic combination to this very day. If soggy peanuts sound good to you, then feel free to give them a try!

Turtle soup - Winston Churchill

Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was famous for a lot of his lifestyle choices, such as drinking glasses of brandy and champagne with lunch and dinner every day, as well as rarely being seen without a cigar in his mouth.

His eating habits were also famous, mainly because his favorite meal is now banned in most countries around the world. Churchill enjoyed tucking into turtle soup, a broth containing, as you've already guessed, turtles. The dish has been widely prohibited due to its use of widely endangered turtle species.

Pinecones - Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali and his wife Gala were eccentrics with a passion for collecting exotic things and living lavish lifestyles. They were also among the first group of food influencers, releasing a cookbook full of strange recipes they had curated together.

One of these recipes was toffee pinecones, which look exactly like you'd imagine, and probably taste as you'd imagine too. The book, for obvious reasons, didn't sell as well as Salvador Dali's art, and the couple didn't make the cookbooks a yearly thing.

60 coffee beans - Beethoven

18th-century composers were a picky bunch, especially Ludwig van Beethoven, who used to request that his morning coffee consisted of exactly 60 coffee beans. No more, no less. He was flying high above today's average, which stands at 56 beans per cup.

As well as requiring his coffee to be perfect, Beethoven was also picky about soup. He loved the stuff, with his favorite being a bread soup made with raw eggs. One of his major claims in life was, "Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart, and cannot make a good soup".

Hot dogs - Helen Keller

Helen Keller is a true American icon, having become the first deaf and blind person to achieve a Bachelor's degree, as well as writing books and being a political activist. However, her secretary would have to divert her path if she saw a certain food stall up ahead.

Helen Keller had an almost obsessive fondness for hot dogs and would refuse to eat anything else if she caught even the faintest whiff of a sausage in a bun. This proved difficult, especially as Keller lived in New York for a long time, where hot dogs were one of the most common street food staples.

Stuffed artichokes - Frank Sinatra

The legendary singer Frank Sinatra was incredibly proud of his Italian roots, taking an interest in Italian art and culture, allegedly working with the Italian mafia, and eating a variety of authentic Italian dishes cooked by Italian chefs, without fail, every night.

His favorite of all the dishes that he used to regularly 'mangiare' was stuffed artichokes. The center of the artichokes was hollowed out to make way for a concoction of black olives, capers, chili, and parmesan. Sinatra always requested that the chefs go easy on the garlic, as he valued the scent of his breath.

Quiche Lorraine - Alfred Hitchcock

Cinema legend Alfred Hitchcock was famously petrified of eggs, which makes it even stranger that his favorite meal was Quiche Lorraine, a French tart containing multiple eggs. Let's assume that he wasn't ever very heavily involved in the preparation of his lunch.

Hitchcock didn't just have quiche Lorraine for lunch like most self-respecting diners. He loved it so much that he used to have it for breakfast. Very unusual. Hitchcock's wife's recipe for Quiche Lorraine is readily available on the internet, so give it a try if you fancy eating like a great of cinema.

Raw garlic - Benito Mussolini

It's safe to say that not many people wanted to be around former Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. Not just because of his views, but because he loved to eat raw garlic. He liked it to be prepared with a dash of olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Despite his status meaning he had access to any type of food he wanted, Mussolini wasn't keen to try many new dishes from across Italy's borders. He once dismissed French food as worthless, despite its excellent reputation. He never was the most open-minded type.

Laxatives - Louis Armstrong

Jazz music legend Louis Armstrong's love for laxatives actually originates from a pretty sad story. As a child, his mother would encourage the family to eat their food with laxatives as the only food the family could afford was usually rotting.

Armstrong carried this on into adulthood, even after he had made his money, most likely out of habit. He would also offer his herbal supplement to his friends to have with their meals, which, if they knew what would happen after consumption, they usually passed on.

Grass - Henry Ford

Innovator extraordinaire Henry Ford was the mind behind production line manufacturing, a practice that helped to revolutionize not only the automobile industry but the manufacturing industry as a whole. His ideas sped up the creation of many products allowing him to sell more, in less time.

Of course, much like his cars, Ford needed to fuel his mind. He did so by picking his own meals from his backyard and by the roadside. Ford often dined on grass and weeds, much like a cow, as he decided that the human body only needs the bare requirements to function.

Kale - Mary Shelley

The author Mary Shelley was truly ahead of her time, writing Frankenstein when she was just eighteen, pushing for gender equality before the idea was widespread, and eating copious amounts of kale over 200 years before the term 'fitness influencer' was ever dreamt up.

Shelley was also a vegetarian for large parts of her life, along with her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley. She valued the benefits of eating kale so highly, that she would often send batches of it to relatives in care packages.

Butterflies - Vladimir Nabokov

It seems that the esteemed Russian author Vladimir Nabokov took the 'butter' in butterflies a little too seriously, regularly eating the poor things as snacks. He didn't even do it on the sly, openly stating his love for their taste.

Nabokov claimed that butterflies tasted like almonds and cheese, which is an odd combination in itself. His claim remains suspicious, as surely butterflies aren't actually large enough to harbor such extravagant flavors. Even if they do, butterflies seem like an incredibly impractical snack.

Liver dumplings - Mozart

The historic composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had a keen ear for a symphony and a keen belly for a plate of food. His favorite meal was a plate of liver dumplings, fried in unhealthy amounts of butter, with a side of sauerkraut, a central European fermented cabbage dish.

His journals frequently described his love for this dish and other meals, to the point where it could have been considered a food blog. He never struggled to find great food either, as his talents got him invited to many a high-class feast. Good for him!