30+ Body Language Hacks That Make You Look More Confident

Good posture

Posture plays a crucial role in projecting confidence. Straighten your spine, pull your shoulders back, and hold your head high.

This simple adjustment not only makes you physically taller but also conveys self-assurance. Avoid slouching, as it can make you appear insecure and unsure of yourself.

Eye contact

The eyes are windows to the soul. Establishing and maintaining eye contact while speaking or listening demonstrates confidence and engagement. 

Hold a natural gaze but avoid staring intensely, which can be uncomfortable. Aim to strike a balance between engagement and intimidation.


Grinning from ear to ear isn't just infectious; it's your secret weapon for spreading joy, positivity and confidence!

Smiling not only makes you appear more approachable but also helps elevate your own mood and boost your confidence levels.

Use hand gestures

Be mindful of your hand movements while speaking. Using purposeful and controlled gestures can enhance your message and signal confidence. 

Avoid fidgeting or excessive hand movements, as they can make you appear nervous or uncertain. A calm demeanor exudes confidence.

Speak slowly

When we feel anxious or unsure, our speech tends to speed up. Take your time while speaking and allow for pauses. 

Speaking slowly and deliberately conveys confidence. Your audience will hang on to your every word, and you'll strut away looking like the smooth-talking maestro you were meant to be.

Mirror your peers

You're in a room with confident individuals exuding charisma and oozing self-assurance. How do you level up and join their league?

Pay attention to their posture, gestures, and overall demeanor, then subtly incorporate similar cues into your own body language.

Use open gestures

When you cross your arms, it's like building a tiny fortress around yourself, sending the signal of defensiveness to the world.

However, by keeping your arms uncrossed, you signal to others that you are open to conversation, ideas, and most importantly, good vibes. You're like a shining beacon of approachability!

Practice power posing

Channel your inner superhero with power poses like the Wonder Woman stance – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on hips. 

Research suggests that assuming expansive postures can elevate testosterone levels and reduce cortisol, promoting feelings of confidence and empowerment.

Take up space

Spread out your wings (metaphorically, of course) and embrace the space. Occupy physical space assertively without encroaching on others' personal boundaries. 

Whether you're at a party, a meeting, or just chilling at home, remember: you've got the right to be there, and you've got the confidence to match.

Practice active listening

Show that you are engaged and interested in the conversation by nodding and using verbal cues like "I see" or "That's interesting." 

Remember, it's a two-way street, so let others chime in too. Avoid interrupting and resist the urge to talk everyone's ear off.

Avoid fidgeting

Are you guilty of fidgeting? It's a confidence killer! Just observe a pro newscaster - they're smooth operators, never fiddling or playing with jewelry.

Why? Because they know confidence is key to gaining trust. So next time you catch yourself fidgeting, chill out! Keep those hands still in your lap or on the table.

Square your shoulders

Straighten up! Crooked shoulders scream indecision. Face your speaking partner dead-on - your body speaks louder than words.

If you're chatting but facing the door, it screams, "Let me out!" Don't be rude or uneasy. Keeping even shoulders shows you're interested, confident, and ready to connect.

Have a good handshake

Handshakes matter! They're the opener to a confident convo. Nail it by holding your hand tall, fingers tight, and thumb up.

When you lock palms, aim for a firm, close grip. Watch out for sneaky signals: palm down? They want to take charge. Palm up? They're backing down.

Walk slowly

Your walk tells all - nervous, happy, rushed, or chill. Whether it's a networking event or a boardroom face-off, strut with purpose.

Slow it down, loosen those arms, wear a grin, and get ready to mingle. Fast walkers give off nervous and insecure vibes. But you, slow and easy, exude confidence.

Plant your feet

Your stance speaks volumes - too close, and you seem shy. Spread them out and align them with your hips and shoulders, toes pointing out.

Confidence starts from the ground up. Angling your feet toward peers displays interest, trust, and openness. On the flip side, a closed stance can unintentionally signal disinterest.

Keep your palms facing up

Here's a fun fact: when you gesture with your palms up, it's like a secret trick that can make you appear more honest and confident.

Next time you're striking a pose or gesturing in conversation, try turning your palms upward. This simple stance can help convey openness, honesty, and a friendly demeanor.

Make sure your hands are visible

First rule of hand club: keep them visible. Stuffing your hands in your pockets or behind your back can send a subliminal message that you're uncomfortable or trying to hide something.

Keep those hands out in the open and ready to greet the world. By keeping them visible, you send the message that you're confident, approachable, and ready for anything.

Lean forward

When you lean forward during a conversation, you send a signal to the other person that you're genuinely interested in what they have to say. 

On the other hand, when you lean back or keep your distance, it conveys a message of disinterest or aloofness. 

Take larger steps

Confident people have mastered the art of taking larger strides. When you walk with authority, your body language exudes poise and self-assuredness.

Embrace the rhythm of a larger stride! As you take longer steps, you'll notice your anxiety slipping away, replaced by a newfound sense of confidence.

Dress for success

Slip into something comfy or stylish, and suddenly, you're strutting like you own the runway. It's the magic of confidence-boosting attire!

Whether it's a snazzy suit, a beloved tee, or new shoes, the right threads can transform your attitude and body language. Forget price tags - what matters is how you feel.

Breathe deeply

It's not a hand wave or a hip sway, but deep breaths are like a secret weapon for calming the chaos. And get this: it's contagious!

Others pick up on your serene vibes and start slowing their breaths. The next time stress creeps in, skip the frantic gestures and embrace the power of a good, deep breath.

Embrace the silence

Shhh... silence isn't always awkward. In fact, it's a confidence booster! When you're cool with quiet moments, it shows you're not just talking to hear yourself.

You're thoughtful, and deliberate. So next time, don't rush to fill the void. Embrace the calm - it's your secret weapon in any conversation. Silence speaks volumes!

Don't nod too much

Excessive nodding can sometimes give off an impression of eager-to-please behavior. To truly show confidence, strike the right balance and nod selectively.

By nodding with purpose, you convey that you're processing the information being shared, engaging actively rather than just passively listening. 

Sit tall

Slumping or hunching over can suggest disinterest or insecurity, while sitting tall and with an open posture can exude confidence and self-assurance.

However, good posture doesn't have to mean rigidity. Confident people sit tall with their backs straight and shoulders relaxed, finding an ease that shows they’re comfortable in their own skin.

Use the steeple gesture

Ever heard of the steeple gesture? It's a confidence booster! Just fingertips touching, forming a mini-triangle like a church steeple. Bam! Instant authority.

Use it sparingly for maximum impact, and pair it with eye contact and clear speech for bonus points. Remember, it's all about timing - so when in doubt, steeple it out!

Keep your face relaxed

To make a positive and confident impression, keep your face relaxed, open, and positively expressive during conversations and interactions.

Avoid looking stressed or tense. Instead, maintain a relaxed forehead, signaling to others that you are calm and self-assured.

Lower your pitch

Here's a fun fact: lowering your pitch can actually make you sound more authoritative and in control during conversations.

A deeper voice tends to inspire trust and reliability. When you speak in a lower tone, it gives the impression that you are knowledgeable and confident in what you're saying.

Keep your head level

Believe it or not, keeping your head level can have a significant impact on your body language. Simply holding your head straight conveys confidence and attentiveness.

Avoid excessive tilting, as this can detract from your confidence and make you appear unbalanced. While tilting your head does communicate interest, it's important to strike a balance.

Adjust your clothing

When you take a moment to fix your tie or adjust your attire, you're showing that you care about your appearance and want to present yourself at your best.

It's a subtle way of saying that you're ready and confident in what you're doing. This confidence shines through and can leave a lasting impression on others.

Don't cross your legs

When you cross your legs at the knee, it hides your power center and puts you at a disadvantage. It creates a barrier, which can make you appear less confident.

So, what's the alternative? Sit with your feet side-by-side. This open and balanced posture allows your energy to flow freely.

Use contact when appropriate

When appropriate, you can incorporate forms of physical contact, such as a friendly pat on the shoulder. These gestures show that you are confident and comfortable and help build trust.

However, it's crucial to keep things appropriate and respectful. Always be mindful of personal boundaries and make sure both parties are comfortable with any physical contact.

Turn your body

Whether you're meeting someone for the first time or having a conversation with a friend, giving your undivided attention through body language speaks volumes.

When meeting someone new, pivot your body towards them to show genuine interest and that they are valued. This boosts confidence and builds deeper connections.

Avoid using fillers

Ditch the fillers! "Uhm" and "like" are confidence killers, distracting from your message. Nail that important speech by recording and listening for fillers.

By banishing the fillers, you'll not only enhance the clarity of your message but also boost your overall confidence in communication. 

Don't suck in your lips

We all have our nervous habits, and one common tendency is to unconsciously suck in our lips until they disappear. However, this habit sends the message that we're hiding something.

To kick the lip-locking habit, start by being mindful during conversations. Notice if you tend to tighten or suck them in and make a conscious effort to let them relax.

Don't check your watch

When you constantly check the time, it can make others feel dismissed or unimportant. It sends a subtle signal that you're bored or in a hurry to move on.

Instead, be fully present and embrace the moment. Make eye contact, stay engaged, and show genuine interest in what the other person is saying.

Make the first move

Whether it's a job interview or a first date, taking the lead in extending your hand demonstrates confidence and sets a positive tone for the interaction ahead.

Initiating a handshake shows that you're assertive and ready to take charge. It sends a message that you're eager to engage and make a lasting connection.

Step back

Radboud University's 2008 study reveals stepping backward enhances mental resilience. Feeling frazzled before a big moment? Take a step back - literally.

This not only mentally grounds you but also physically reinforces a sense of confidence. Free yourself from stress, find your footing, and step back to step up your game!

Don't be too stiff

Standing up straight is often associated with confidence, but it doesn't mean you have to stand uncomfortably rigid. The key is finding a balance between proper alignment and comfort.

Imagine your spine as your trusty backbone, holding you up with ease, and let your shoulders and arms hang loose.

Give compliments

Confidence isn't just about puffing up your own feathers - it's about lifting others too! Genuine compliments are like boomerangs: they empower and attract positivity.

Not only does it make others feel awesome, but it also sets you apart as a shining beacon of positivity. In the game of confidence, kindness is the ultimate power move!


Ever heard of the "tribe" effect? Humans are wired to flock to those connected to their circle. However, even if you're a stranger, you can hack this social psychology.

At a networking event, give a wave to an imaginary buddy. Sneaky, huh? It plants the seed that you're part of the gang, even if you just arrived!