30 Easy Ways To Keep Your House Safe As You Age

Install grab bars 

Home modifications don’t have to be extravagant. Sometimes just a small tweak can significantly boost your safety – and installing grab bars is one of those clever tweaks. These handy bars can provide a sturdy grip in slippery areas, such as around showers, baths and sinks. 

It's all about holding onto that confidence in your daily routine, quite literally! Also, you needn't worry about them ruining your home aesthetic, as modern grab bars come in a wide variety of subtle designs that seamlessly blend with the style of your home.

Use non-slip mats in wet areas

Speaking of slippery floors, here's another little tweak that can make a big difference to your safety in the home: non-slip mats.  Placing these mats in high-risk areas is a simple yet effective way to prevent those scary slips and falls.

And the best part? Not only are these mats practical, but they also come in a variety of colors and designs, so, just like with the grab bars, you can pick ones that complement your home's style. Who says you have to sacrifice style for safety?

Ensure good lighting throughout the house 

Let’s shed some light on a simple truth - good lighting is super important, especially as we get older. Brightening up the house, particularly in those shadowy corners, stairways, and hallways, can make a huge difference both to the atmosphere, and the likelihood of mishaps. 

It's not just about being able to see where you're going, but also about feeling safe and secure in your own home. Think about it – with better lighting, you're reducing the risk of trips and falls, sure, but you're also enhancing the ambiance of your home. It’s a win-win, really.

Remove any trip hazards

Keeping your home free of trip hazards is a key step in keeping yourself safe as you age. This means securing loose rugs, clearing clutter, and arranging furniture to create clear paths. It's not just about avoiding accidents; it's also about making sure your space is organized and more importantly, accessible. 

Taking the time to declutter and rearrange might seem like a chore, but trust us, it’ll transform how you feel in your home. It's like giving your space a little 'safety makeover' that also makes it more enjoyable.

Install automatic night lights in hallways and bathrooms

Now, back to the topic of lighting. Navigating your home at night shouldn't be a hassle or a a safety concern. Automatic night lights offer a simple yet effective solution. They automatically illuminate your hallways and bathrooms when motion is detected in the dark. 

This makes it safer and more convenient to move around at night. Nor is safety the only advantage these lights offer; they are also energy-efficient, helping you save on electricity costs. It's a win-win: improved safety and savings in one.

Keep a phone in every room

We all hope it never happens, but if you ever need to make an emergency call, having a working telephone to hand nearby is super important. As such, keeping a phone in every room is like having a safety net.

It's not just handy, it's about making sure that help is just a call away, no matter where you are in your house. Be it a landline or a mobile, easy access to a phone in each room is a simple yet essential step for your safety and peace of mind.

Install railings on both sides of your staircase

Stairs can become a challenge as we age, so adding railings on both sides can really increase safety. And it's actually about more than just safety; it's also about having that peace of mind. Having a set of railings offers steady support, both mentally and physically.

Modern railings make you more secure each time you climb the stairs - yet they can be both functional and stylish. When picking them out, take it as an opportunity for a little home revamp! Safety, style, and support – well, that’s a triple win.

Keep frequently used items within easy reach

As we get older, the way we our home is arranged matters more and more. One key tip? Think about moving your most-used items to spots where you can easily grab them. This way, you won't have to stretch up high or bend way down to get what you need. 

It's all about making life that little bit easier and safer. By improving the accessibility of your day-to-day essentials, you're not just avoiding accidents or strains; you're also making your space more comfortable in the long run. And again, arrange and present these objects right and you can make it aesthetically pleasing too.

Use lever-style door handles

Ever found yourself wrestling with a doorknob? It might not seem like a big issue, but with age, dexterity can decrease, and simple tasks like turning a knob can become surprisingly challenging. Switching to lever-style door handles is a smart move. 

These handles are much easier to manage – just a light push down with your elbow or hand, and you're through the door. Plus, like the some of the other changes we've discussed, they come in various designs, meaning you can use the change as an opportunity to have a little home makeover. 

Consider installing a ramp 

Steps at your front door can get tricky as time goes by. How about thinking of putting in a ramp? It makes getting in and out of your house easier for everyone, and it's really handy if moving around is tough.

More than just a modification, installing a ramp is about looking forward. And hey, if you have grandkids, or might have them one day, they'll find the ramp fun too. It's a smart move that makes your home a welcoming place for everyone.

Arrange furniture for clear walkways

Have a look around your home. Is it easy to walk through, or does it feel more like an obstacle course? Moving your furniture around to make clear, open paths is a simple but super effective way to increase safety in your home as you age. 

Maintaining clear paths around the house means less risk of tripping and more ease in moving around. And as a bonus, changing things up a bit can give your space a fresh new feel, making everyday life smoother and safer.

Secure loose rugs with double-sided tape

Rugs and mats can slide around, especially on smooth floors, making them potential hazards in your home. A simple fix? Secure them down with double-sided tape. It’s a quick, easy solution to prevent slips and trips, making your space safer.

The tape is simple to apply and won't damage your floors - and using tape also means you can easily reposition your rugs as needed if you fancy a little switch up. An added bonus? It keeps your rugs looking neat and in place, adding to the overall tidiness of your space.

Organize kitchen items for easy access

Struggling to find the things you need in your kitchen can be frustrating, and uncomfortable if we need to reach up high or down low. Organizing your kitchen for easy access can really help. Make a point of putting the things you use often in places where you can easily reach them.

Keep the items you only use on occasion on higher shelves or in the back of cupboards. This way, when you're cooking or just making a cup of tea, everything you need is right at hand. It’ll make your daily kitchen routine smoother and less of a hassle.

Install a raised toilet seat

A raised toilet seat is one of those things you don't realize you need until you try it. Adding a little height to your toilet can really enhance your comfort and ease. And, as we age, making life that little bit easier is always appreciated, isn’t it? 

Oh, and what's more, installing a raised seat on your toilet is much easier than you might think. This simple upgrade in your bathroom is not only about comfort but also about maintaining a sense of dignity in your daily life.

Install a handheld showerhead

Showering should be relaxing, and shouldn’t feel like an uncomfortable stretching exercise. Switching to a handheld showerhead can make your daily wash much more comfortable. It gives you the flexibility to direct the water exactly where you need it, all while standing or, if you prefer, sitting comfortably.

 And let's be honest, it makes cleaning the shower way easier too. It’s another one that’s not a major change, and won't make a big dent in your bank account, but can still make a big difference to your overall quality of life. 

Switch to a bed with a lower height

Yes, showering should absolutely be a comfortable experience, but perhaps more importantly, going to bed absolutely should be. Struggling to climb in and out of bed? Consider switching to a bed with a lower height. It’ll make getting up and down much easier, especially for those of us with aching joints.

Plus, should you suffer an unfortunate fall in the late hours, having a bed that isn't so high off the ground reduces the risk of injury. Oh, and another bonus? A lower bed can actually give your bedroom a whole new modern look.

Consider replacing hard floors with thick carpets

As we get older, falls can have bigger consequences, so replacing hard floors with thick, cushioned carpets gives you that extra peace of mind. If a fall does happen, you've got a cushioned surface to soften the impact, massively reducing the risk of a serious injury. 

This one, unlike many of the others we've mentioned, isn't actually about preventing falls; it’s about minimizing their impact when or if they do occur. But it's worth mentioning, there is likely less of a chance of slipping on a carpet than on a smooth floor, right?

Keep emergency numbers in easy to spot places

Keeping your emergency numbers visible is a simple tip, but one that could be a genuine lifesaver if you are ever in a time of need. The best places to put them? The fridge is probably best, but there’s also by the phone, or by the front door.

If there's ever a situation where you can't make the call yourself, having these numbers out and easy to find can really speed up getting you the help you need. Just make sure they're easy to spot and, if hand-written, legible.

Use a cordless phone or mobile phone

As you get older, you don’t want to be rushing around to answer a ringing phone from the other side of the house or missing important calls, so using a cordless or mobile phone is handy. It’s about convenience, sure, but more importantly, it’s about making sure you’re always able to be connected.

You want to know you can keep yourself safe, especially in case of an emergency. And hey, there's also the bonus of being able to chat with friends and family from the comfort of your couch, your bed or wherever else in the house you happen to be.

Keep medications well organized

With age, it’s common that the number of medications we need to take increases, and keeping them well organized is super important. An easy-to-use pill organizer can be a lifesaver, literally It helps you keep track of your meds, ensuring you don’t miss any doses or take too many.

And here’s a smart tip: keep a list of your medications and their schedules in a spot where it’s easy to find. That way, if someone else or emergency services need to step in, they’ll have all the info they need at a glance. 

Regularly test smoke detectors and alarms

This one might seem like a no-brainer but it's worth mentioning as it's so important: regularly test your smoke detectors and alarms. These devices are essential for early detection of fires, giving you that precious time you need to react in an emergency.

So, make it a habit to test them monthly and change batteries as needed. Yes, it's a simple task, but it’s one that can save lives. You never want to find yourself in a position where they aren’t working when you need them most.

Install a water temperature regulator

Have you ever turned the tap on and the water has come out incredibly hot? This isn't just uncomfortable; in worst circumstances, you might suffer scalding. Installing a water temperature regulator in your showers and sinks can prevent this - and make sure you don't get burnt.

A water temperature regulator will keep your house's water at a safe, consistent temperature, so there'll be no more surprises when you turn on the tap. And as a bonus, it's good for saving energy and cutting down those utility bills too!

Invest in a supportive mattress

There's nothing better than a good night's sleep, is there? And as we get older, the quality of our mattress becomes more and more important. Consider investing in a high quality, supportive mattress - it's like giving yourself the gift of better sleep every night. 

Look out for one that provides good support, aligns your spine correctly, and reduces pressure points. The aim is not only to sleep better, but also to wake up without all those annoying aches and pains which tend to come with age. 

Use a voice-activated home assistant

Voice-activated home assistants, like Amazon Echo or Google Home, are great for adding a bit of ease and safety to your daily routine. They come in handy for a multitude of different things - from managing lights and making phone calls to setting medication reminders. 

They're particularly helpful if mobility is challenging. And of course, let's not forget the fun you can have with them too - they can play your favorite songs, keep you updated with the latest news, or even entertain you with quizzes and games. And the best bit - it's all hands-free!

Have regular home maintenance checks

You know how we often go for regular health check-ups? Well, our homes need them too, especially as we age. Organise regular home maintenance checks to give your house a thorough once-over, and make sure everything is in full working order.

Be it the heating system, plumbing, or the roof, having a professional take a look can save you from unexpected surprises down the line. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so these checks are important in making sure that your home stays comfy and safe. 

Use doorstops to prevent slamming doors

Ever had a door suddenly slam shut right behind you? It's enough to make anyone jump but can also be a safety hazard. There's the chance of getting a knock on the back of your head or getting your hands trapped as it closes. 

The good news? For this one, the solution is super simple - buy some sturdy doorstops. They're a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to keep your doors where you want them. By propping doors open, you're not only preventing those sudden slams but also ensuring a clear, safe path around your house.

Install slip-resistant flooring

As we get older, it's natural to worry about slips and falls, especially if our house has particularly slippery floors like vinyl or laminate flooring. It might be time to think about investing in slip-resistant flooring. There's a massive range of options to choose from - from special tiles to hardwood flooring. 

This upgrade might not be cheap, but the safety and that all-important peace of mind it brings are worth it. And if a full-on flooring makeover isn’t in the budget right now, don’t worry! There are plenty of alternatives like slip-resistant coatings or sprays that can be applied to your existing floors.

Keep your driveway in good shape

Did you know that your home’s safety begins before you even step through the front door? Your driveway needs some care too. Make sure to keep it well-maintained because uneven paths or loose stones can easily turn into trip hazards.  

So, make it a habit to regularly check and clear your driveway or any paths that lead up to your house. Remember, a smooth, secure path not only benefits you but also for your visitors, making everyone's journey to your door safer.

Arrange for regular check-ins 

As we get a bit older, having people around who can take care of us when we need becomes super important. How about arranging some regular check-ins with someone close to you – maybe a family member, a good friend, or even your next-door neighbor? 

These check-ins aren't just about making sure everything's alright; they're also perfect for a good chat and stay in the loop with what’s going on around us. And let's not forget – taking care of our mental well-being is just as important as looking after our physical health.

Install raised flower beds

Gardening should be a peaceful and joyful thing to do, and definitely not a strain. So, raised flower beds are a great way to continue gardening as you age. They bring the plants up to your level, so you can tend to them without bending or kneeling. 

It's not only easier on your back and knees but those raised beds can transform your garden and give it a whole new look. Also, designing and planting your raised beds can be a fun project, where you can add your own personal touch to your outdoor space.

Place a seat near your front door

Here's a nice and simple home safety tip: how about placing a comfy seat right alongside your front door? This provides a comfortable, and practical way to reduce the risk of stumbles when you’re putting on or taking off your shoes.

You can go for a stylish bench that blends in with your home's decor, or you can go for a straightforward, practical chair. It makes for a welcoming and safe entrance (and exit) to your home – both for you and for anyone dropping by.

Create a ground floor bedroom

If you live in a multi-story home, it might be a good idea to set up a bedroom on the ground floor. This can be incredibly useful in various situations, whether you're recovering from an injury, noticing a decrease in mobility, or hosting guests who find stairs challenging. 

A ground-floor bedroom provides easier access and enhances safety, especially during the night or in case of an emergency. Plus, it can be a fun project to redesign and refresh a whole room! By the same reasoning, a ground floor bathroom is also advantageous, although that's a bigger undertaking.

Switch to a curb free shower

A curb-free shower is a great choice for any bathroom, especially as we consider raging. By removing steps or raised edges, it reduces tripping hazards, making showering safer and easier for everyone. These showers are not only practical in terms of safety but also in terms of cost.

In fact, many curb free shower models are fairly easy to install and, perhaps more importantly, even easier to maintain. In addition, the no curb design is actually quite in trend these days. Who says getting older means compromising on style?

Consider adding a shower chair

Ok, so we’ve got our curb free shower, but for even more comfort? Think about adding in a shower chair! It’s a great way to take the worry out of balancing while you’re showering. And it’s also perfect for those days when you might be feeling a little bit tired or sore. 

With a shower chair, you can just sit back, and enjoy a comfortable and relaxing shower. Do make sure to go for a chair specifically designed for the shower though – meaning one that has good grip and no risk of toppling over in the slippery conditions. 

Switch to easy-to-use appliances

In the spirit of keeping things simple and safe, consider switching to easy-to-use appliances. We’re talking about those with straightforward controls, easy-to-read labels, and no fiddly buttons. It could be a toaster with a simple lever, a microwave with clear, large buttons, or a thermostat that's easy to adjust.

These appliances can take the hassle out of everyday tasks. And, another benefit? Such easy to use appliances also reduce the risk of kitchen accidents and could prevent potentially costly mistakes, such as a thermostat that's accidentally been set too high.

Light the way to your front door

Here's a bright idea: light up the pathway to your front door. Outdoor lighting doesn't just look good, it's also a great way to enhance safety when walking to and from your door. Solar-powered lights are a great option - they are energy-efficient and really simple to install. 

They'll automatically light up as the sun goes down, lighting up a clear pathway to your front door. So, whether you're coming back from an evening walk or welcoming guests, a well-lit path makes for a safe entry into your house for everyone.

Switch to a cordless vacuum

Switching to a cordless vacuum cleaner can significantly simplify your cleaning routine, making it both easier and safer. With no need to plug them in, you can say goodbye to the risk of tripping over cords and the hassle of finding sockets within reach.

And with many models boasting powerful suction and long-lasting batteries, you won't have to compromise on cleaning effectiveness. It’s a winning deal all round, really: convenience, safety, and efficiency. Plus, these vacuums are generally more lightweight and easier to maneuver compared to their corded counterparts.

Install a key safe outside

For added security and convenience, think about installing a key safe outside your home. This is a secure box, typically mounted on a wall, where you can store a spare key. It can only be opened with a code that you set.

This means no more hiding keys in obvious locations like under mats or in flower pots - it being locked away greatly reduces risks of unwanted visitors. It's especially handy if you have carers, family members, or friends who need access when you're not around, and provides a quick access in an emergency.

Buy appliances with automatic shut off

You know how easy it can be to forget things as we get a bit older? Forgetting to turn off appliances like ovens, irons, or curling tongs can be a worry, but there's an easy solution. Appliances with automatic shutoff can be real lifesavers.

These keep you safe, ensuring you never have to second-guess if you left something on. And guess what? This can go beyond the safety aspect. If you also get lights or heating with this feature, you’re looking at some nice savings on those bills. Wins all round.

Make bath time easier with a walk-in bathtub 

As we know, age can bring a decline in mobility. So, consider upgrading to a walk-in bathtub to make your bathing experience safer and more convenient. These tubs feature a door, allowing you to easily step in and out, massively reducing the risk of slipping. 

Also, many models come equipped with features like built-in seats and handrails for extra security. Oh, and those seats and handrails? They can also make your bath time a far more comfortable and relaxing experience. So step in, bring a book, and relax!