30+ Health Hacks All Men Over 40 Should Know

Drink green tea

Packed with antioxidants, this wonder brew fights off aging, torches fat and keeps your brain sharp. Say goodbye to wrinkles and hello to radiant skin!

So, whether you're starting your day or winding down, grab a mug of green tea and raise a toast to staying forever young. (In spirit, at least!)

Protect yourself from blue light

Melatonin gently guides us off to sleep, but as we age, its production takes a nosedive. Blame it on our modern-day habits, like excessive screen time.

Blue light disrupts melatonin, causing sleep troubles. Enter blue blockers, aka orange-tinted sunglasses, to the rescue. Wear them during nighttime screen time for better sleep.

Train with weights

As we age, muscle mass naturally declines, leading to decreased metabolism and increased fat accumulation. Fight this by incorporating full-body strength training into your routine.

Just two to three gym visits per week with a focus on all major muscle groups can make a significant difference.

Eat more plant-based meals

Try going green! Plant-based meals aren't just for rabbits; they're the secret sauce to longevity. While meat has its place, embracing veggies can boost your health and lifespan.

Sneak in a plant-powered dish daily - whether it's a crunchy salad for lunch or a fruity smoothie for breakfast. It's a tasty way to show your body some love.

Fast once a week

Say hello to fasting - your body's best-kept secret to staying youthful. A 24-hour fast each week jumpstarts your body's anti-aging process.

Fasting also boosts growth hormone production, the ultimate anti-aging elixir, resulting in denser bones, stronger muscles, and less body fat.


Aging doesn't just impact our bodies - it can take a toll on our minds too. But fear not, there's a simple solution: meditation.

By hitting the meditation mat, you're literally growing new gray matter in your hippocampus, the memory hub. And a bigger hippocampus means a lower risk of dementia.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is your secret weapon. It's not just about catching Z's; it's about recharging your energy, balancing hormones, and keeping those hunger pangs at bay.

Snoozing enough also slashes your risk of packing on pounds. Aim for 7 hours each night - your body and mind will thank you.

Visit your doctor regularly

If you're over 40, regular check-ins with your doctor are essential. It's not just about fixing what's broken - it's about staying ahead of the game.

Pencil in those annual checkups and screenings. Trust us, a little TLC for your body goes a long way!

Visit your dentist regularly

Keeping your smile in top shape is a breeze with regular dental checkups. Swing by your dentist's office every six months for a deep clean and checkup.

Staying on top of your dental game also lowers the risk of gum disease and other pesky oral health problems.

Focus on your mental health

Mental health matters - especially after hitting the big 4-0! Anxiety, depression, or any mental health challenge shouldn't be brushed under the rug.

If you're battling the blues or feeling overwhelmed, reach out to a psychologist. Whether it's anxiety, OCD, or substance abuse, they've got your back.

Stay active

Get up and get moving! Whether it's a brisk walk, a dance party in your living room, or tackling those pesky household chores, every bit counts.

Aim for 20-30 minutes of heart-pumping cardio most days. Spend at least 45 minutes each time you're on the move, whether it's walking the dog or tending to the garden.


Age is just a number, but it can impact your warm-up routine. Start with a 5-minute prep, then tack on an extra minute for every year over 30.

Use that time wisely - foam roll, pedal away on the bike, and work through some movement drills. It's like giving your body a gentle wake-up call.


Flexibility is the key to staying limber and lithe as the years roll on. Make stretching, flexibility, and mobility training your new BFFs.

As time marches on, our bodies tend to stiffen up, but don't worry! Incorporating yoga into your routine, even just once or twice a week, can work wonders.

Eat more protein

Watch out for sarcopenia, where muscle loss outpaces growth. Beef up your protein intake - it's the muscle-building superhero you need.

Whether it's eggs for breakfast, chicken for lunch, or fish for dinner, make protein your pal. With each bite, you're giving your muscles the boost they need to stay strong.

Take Vitamin D and Calcium

At 18, bones are fully formed, but the bone game doesn't stop there. We're in a constant cycle of breakdown and rebuild.

Just like muscles, breaking down bones helps them grow stronger. As we age, this rebuilding process slows, so consider calcium and vitamin D supplements to keep bones strong. 

Reduce your sodium intake

Sodium: a vital nutrient, but often overdone. It's not just table salt - processed foods sneak it in big time. Don't rely on taste; check those labels!

Why cut back? High sodium spells trouble: think blood pressure spikes, bloat, and kidney problems. It’s also linked to osteoporosis and stomach cancer.

Limit your alcohol intake

Reaching 40 and eyeing your blood pressure? It's time to be mindful of your alcohol consumption, as excessive alcohol intake can contribute to high blood pressure.

Pair your efforts with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques for a comprehensive approach to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

Reduce your caffeine intake

Keep an eye on caffeine too! While that morning pick-me-up can be tempting, excessive caffeine can tighten blood vessels and also ramp up blood pressure.

Swap out that extra cup of joe for herbal tea or decaf options. By cutting back on caffeine, you'll also set the stage for a restful night's sleep.

Stay hydrated 

While staying hydrated is crucial at any age, it's a top priority for older adults. As we age, thirst signals can become fainter, but hydration remains just as vital.

Your body still craves those 8 glasses a day, even if your kidneys aren't shouting for it like they used to. Water fuels every cell and function in your body.

Eat more fish

Is your age creeping up? Don't let heart disease sneak in! Fight back with Omega-3 fatty acids, the heart's secret weapon.

Found in fish like salmon and nuts like walnuts, they slash your risk of heart disease and amp up your Vitamin D production.

Stop eating late at night

While 20-somethings might munch on midnight pizza without a care, older gents face a different tune. Late-night snacking messes with your metabolism, making it tough to burn those calories.

It also spikes insulin, raises cholesterol, and messes with sleep. Swap late snacks for early dinners and bid goodbye to heartburn and sleep struggles.

Eat more fiber

Veggies aren't just tasty - they're packed with fiber, the ultimate hunger buster. Plus, fiber keeps your gut happy and your bathroom visits smooth sailing, a blessing as we age.

But it's not just veggies - fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are fiber-rich too. These dietary superheroes are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and immune-boosting goodness.

Read more

Love getting lost in a good book? Your brain thanks you! Reading isn't just fun - it's a powerhouse for your health.

Studies show reading slows cognitive decline and slashes Alzheimer's risk by 2.5 times. So, regardless of what you’re reading, every page turn is a step towards a sharper mind.

Use dental floss

Did you know gum disease tends to creep up in your 40s? But fear not - your trusty dental floss might just be the hero your gums need.

While the evidence is still being gathered, some studies suggest that regular flossing could help ward off any gum issues.

Check your eyes regularly

As we age, eyes might need a little TLC. From macular degeneration to cataracts, a host of eye issues can crop up.

Early detection is key! Scheduling eye exams regularly can ensure you catch any problems before they dim your view.

Learn how to manage stress

Around 38% of folks in their 40s are reported to have the highest stress levels. With careers, families, and life milestones stacking up, stress can sneak in.

Whether it's yoga, a daily walk, or simply taking a breather, find what works for you. Chronic stress isn't just a mood killer, it can wreak havoc on your health.

Make time for friends and family

Career goals are important in your 40s, but don't forget about the real gems in life: friendships, family, and connections!

Take a break from the hustle and hit the beach with your fam, or plan a getaway with friends. Our mental well-being depends on social interactions!

Learn a new skill

Ready to keep that brain buzzing after 40? Dive into new adventures and learn a fresh skill! Learning keeps your neural pathways firing, keeping your mind agile and sharp.

Whether it's picking up a new language, mastering a musical instrument, or tackling a craft project, mental stimulation is essential.

Monitor your heart health

If you're over 40, staying on top of your heart health is key. Schedule those check-ups, from blood pressure to cholesterol tests, to keep tabs on your heart health.

Watch out for your triglyceride levels - they can creep up with age and spell trouble for your heart. With a little TLC, you'll keep your heart beating strong!

Monitor your testosterone levels

Feeling the energy drain as the years roll by? Blame it on the declining testosterone levels, the hormone responsible for keeping you pumped up, strong, and in the mood.

Regular check-ups and chats with your healthcare provider can help you stay on top of things. And if your levels are low, don't hesitate to discuss hormone replacement therapy.

Protect your skin

As we age, keeping our skin safe from those sneaky UV rays becomes a top priority. Say hello to sunscreen, your new best friend!

Slather it on, seek shade when the sun is at its peak, and don some stylish shades and protective gear when you’re outdoors.

Schedule regular prostate exams

Let's talk about a topic that doesn't always get the spotlight: prostate health. As you age, your prostate can sometimes cause trouble, like getting bigger or even developing cancer.

There's a simple solution: keep up with those regular check-ups. Yep, scheduling prostate exams may not be the most exciting thing on your to-do list, but it's super important.

Limit processed foods

Those packaged goodies may seem convenient, but they're often loaded with sneaky stuff like unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives that can wreak havoc on your body.

Swap that processed snack for a crisp apple or a crunchy carrot and watch your health soar. You'll be feeling fresh, fit, and fabulous in no time.

Eat breakfast

After 40, your metabolism starts hitting the brakes, slowing down by 2% each decade. However, starting your day with a hearty meal kickstarts your metabolism.

Studies also show that breakfast eaters have a leg up in the weight loss game. They shed more pounds and keep them off longer compared to those who skip it.

Don’t overwork yourself

In our hustle culture, we often equate long hours with success and happiness. But let's flip the script! Working smarter, not harder, is the real key to living your best life.

Grinding away doesn't always bring wealth or joy. It can leave you drained and isolated. Prioritize balance: socialize and spend time with loved ones for true happiness.

Get your first colonoscopy

Hey guys, it's time to tackle that mental hurdle and schedule your first colonoscopy after hitting the big 4-0. Trust us, it's not as scary as it seems!

It's a quick and painless procedure that could save your life by catching any potential issues early on. Schedule that appointment and give yourself some peace of mind.

Create a retirement plan

Once you hit 40, it's time to get serious about securing your financial future. You don't want to be crossing your fingers and hoping for the best.

Whether it's setting up a private fund, maxing out those employer contributions, or a combo of both, getting started now means you can kick back and enjoy life later.


We've all been there, done that - said or done something we regret. But here's the thing: as you age, it's the perfect time to set things right.

Yep, it's time to dust off those old apologies and mend those broken bridges. Trust us, you'll feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders!

Take supplements

Even if you're chowing down on all the healthy stuff, sometimes our bodies need a little extra boost, especially as we get older. That's where dietary supplements come in! 

Your doctor might suggest a variety of options tailored specifically for men's health, like multivitamins, vitamin D, omega-3s, and more.

Spend time outdoors

Stepping outside not only gives you a healthy dose of vitamin D, but it's also a fantastic way to de-stress and boost your overall well-being.

And hey, why not bring the whole family along? Playing outdoor sports or simply tossing a ball around with your kids is not only fun but also strengthens those family bonds.