Body Language That Shows Your Partner Is No Longer Into You

The pitch of their voice changes

Did you know you speak in a higher pitch to babies? Fact. It's also been found that tone of voice lowers slightly when we talk to someone we're attracted to.

Perhaps not the easiest body language to identify, but if you notice your partner's voice doesn't sound as deep as it used to, it could be a sign they're not as keen.

They shield their phone

Nowadays we rely on our phones for so much, especially communicating with others. How much you and your partner share is up to you, but if they're being cagey it could be cause for concern.

Hiding their phone would understandably make you suspicious, although there could be good reason. Maybe they're protecting you, or keeping a surprise secret - or maybe it's a worrying sign.

They don't walk in sync with you anymore

A happy couple usually walk side by side, subconsciously lining up with one another, as they're emotionally in tune and wanting to be together each step of the way (literally).

Are you finding that's not the case for you and your partner? Perhaps they're less attentive to you, or not bothered if you don't walk together. Not the best body language.

They flirt with or check out other people

Every relationship has a different dynamic, and some of us will have partners who openly flirt with other people in front of us, or who can't help but scan the crowd for people they find hot.

If that's a normal, accepted part of your dynamic with your partner, then fair enough. But if they're hitting on someone in front of you without your blessing, that's weird.

They physically pull away

Everyone argues sometimes, and if you or your partner are trying to resolve the disagreement by reaching out, it can feel hurtful when your or they pull away from that.

If you're getting that feeling often though, with your partner literally pulling away from you and any attempt to embrace, that's a strong sign of losing that interest in you.

Their breathing is faster or more shallow

How fast or slow, steady or erratic someone's breathing is can say a lot about how they're feeling at that moment.

Assuming your partner is relaxed in your company, their breathing should be reasonably slow and steady, even deep. But if it's shallow or fast, that could be a sign of disinterest.

Their pupils no longer dilate

This one only happens when you're about to kiss them, or they you - and only if they're still attracted to you. As body language goes, it depends on intimacy.

If you go to kiss your partner and their pupils don't dilate, that could be a clue that perhaps their interest in you might be less than it once was.

They don't mimic or mirror your gestures

You might have noticed this in family, friends and colleagues, as well as in your partner. People subconsciously mirror or copy the gestures and poses of those people they like.

If this is something that you're actively noticing less of in your relationship, or maybe none at all, that lack of body language could suggest a reduction of feelings for you.

They sit with their legs crossed or fully closed

Crossed legs are a posture that many of us use, especially in public or in polite company. Nobody wants to see someone sat with their legs spread-eagled in a café.

That doesn't ring true with your partner, though. You should be comfortable enough to relax with one another. Crossed legs says the opposite - suggesting being closed off to you.

They leave the room when you enter

Social occasions with your partner may well warrant you not being side by side for the entire time. Parties and gatherings are a great chance to see friends or family.

There's no expectation that you'd be together all the time, but if they extract themselves from your company all the time, that body language might indicate they're less invested in you.

They smirk at you

OK, few of us are above the occasional smirk at our partners. They can't find the butter when it's staring them in the face, and you hand it to them, smirking.

That kind of thing, sure. But if your other half is smirking at you on a regular basis, and not in a fun, teasing way, that's not good body language.

Flirting is a thing of the past

Flirting is mainly associated with the thrill of the chase, those giddy early days when you're still pursing or being pursued by your partner, and during the first exciting weeks and months.

Flirting doesn't necessarily stop, though - it just takes more of a back seat. If it's dried up completely though, that body language might be cause for concern for your relationship.

They're not listening or seem bored

Alright, everyone falls foul of this sometimes. It's all too easy to get distracted on social media, and your phone is so convenient. It's easy to take your partner for granted.

If you think that maybe your partner isn't as keen on you as they used to be, though, signs of disinterest can manifest as not listening, or seeming bored. Ouch.

They're not as loving to your pet

Here's some indicative body language that they're not feeling the relationship anymore. Not only are they less interactive with you, but your pet is suffering the same vibe too.

That probably adds insult to injury, but if they're cooling off towards you emotionally, chances are they'll want to distance themselves from your adorable, totally innocent pet as well. Sorry, Fido.

Hugs are downgraded to pats

An affectionate pat is something you'd do to a dog or a cat. It's the act of someone who is fond of a pet - not usually to their significant other.

If you're noticing fewer hugs and more light pats, meant to be reassuring but instead rather patronizing or even cold, it could be the kind of body language that says they're over you.

You're no longer intimate 

A happy, healthy romantic relationship usually includes intimacy. How long and how often varies, but if you can't remember the last time, there could be a problem.

It's plausible that there may be other reasons that are nothing to do with you, but body language speaks volumes. Lack of intimacy shouts waning interest.

They conceal their neck

This is a trait of body language that's more commonly (but not exclusively) seen in women. Don't rule it out for men, though!

Apparently, you touch your neck as a protection against saying something that you're trying not to say. If your partner (man, woman or otherwise) does this, they may be hiding something.

They feel more like a roommate

Granted, you want your partner to be more than just a casual lover. They should be your friend and companion, someone you can have adventures with, but also be intimate with.

If you're feeling like your partner is lapsing into more of a roommate, without any of the intimacy and deep romantic love you shared at the start, maybe they're losing interest.

They're always frowning

Often a sign of concentration, but not always, the frown - or a furrowed brow - is another form of body language that can convey negativity.

If your partner has a lot on their plate, you could chalk the frowns up to that. But if they seem OK otherwise, perhaps the frowny face says mounting disinterest.

They're literally not there

Heard the expression out of sight, out of mind? Or do you prefer absence makes the heart grow fonder? Which do you think is more applicable to you and your partner?

If your partner isn't with you, that reverse body language can be as strong a message as them sending signals when you are together. Out of sight, out of mind indeed.

They're distracted or not focused

In a committed, caring relationship you and your partner should be willing and able to pay attention to one another. We all lose concentration sometimes, but still do our best.

If your partner's efforts to listen to you have dropped off of late, it could be something else on their mind. However, it could be they just aren't as interested.

They no longer protect you

Part of being in a couple is the implicit reassurance that your partner has your back. Whether it's physical or metaphorical, protecting you is part and parcel of being your significant other.

Yet if you're getting indications from your partner that your wellbeing isn't as important to them as it once was, perhaps it's worth studying their other body language for further clues.

They don't show empathy towards you

Empathy is, quite simply, the ability to understand and relate to someone else's feelings. A good partner should be able to demonstrate that when you're having a tough time.

If your partner initially showed care and consideration for your emotions but doesn't seem fussed anymore, perhaps their body language shows signs of reassurance - or worse, lack of.

They always put their hands on their hips

Nothing says annoyance like hands on hips does. It's one of the most expressive forms of body language, in that it says to anyone that you're not at all impressed.

If you seem to be on the receiving end of your partners' hands on hips, a lot, perhaps that body language is telling you that they're losing interest in you.

They're blinking rapidly

This particular body language could be hard to monitor, but if you're contemplating whether your partner isn't as invested in you and your future together, it's worth keeping an eye on (literally).

Apparently, your blink rate is an indicator of stress or discomfort, in that if it's different to normal, it can show signs of discomfort. Pay attention to this if you're concerned.

They don't want to walk beside you

Your average happy couple will walk together at the same speed, give or take, with one speeding up, or the other slowing down, or a bit of both, to accommodate each other,

Yet if you're seeing your partner lagging behind you, or speeding ahead, for no obvious reason, that body language might be telling you that they're less into you than they were.

Their hand gestures are aggressive

Gesticulating is one of those things that you might find funny, or maybe you're someone who does it a lot. Our hand movements can tell someone a lot about us.

However, if your partner is exhibiting some pretty aggressive hand gestures towards you, that could indicate a frustration or reduced fondness towards you. Definitely not warm, reassuring body language.

They always have their arms crossed

Don't worry - crossed arms aren't always a big ol' red flag signaling a reduction in affection for you. Your partner might just find it a comfortable stance.

Having said that, as body language goes, this one is pretty obvious. More often than not, the crossed arms are saying back off, keep your distance or simply not impressed.

They avoid even casual touching

When you and your partner are loving and affectionate with one another, the little touches - like holding hands or a touch on the back - add up.

When those become less common, it can be a red flag that something is wrong. It may be nothing, but it could also be body language tell you they're losing interest.

They're always interrupting you

Conversation is rarely completely smooth and evenly weighted - it can be one-sided, people talk over one another, the topic can go off-piste or lose focus. It happens, no big deal.

However, if you find that you and your partner keep interrupting one another, when you never used to, it could be a sign that they're not as invested in you as before.

Their kisses are unenthusiastic

For many of us, a quick kiss on the lips or cheek when we say goodbye to our partners is fine - it's a brief parting gesture, and more appropriate than a full make out session.

But if your partner has backed out of anything more than a brief peck for all occasions, including times when a more extensive kiss would be fine, that might signal an issue.

They keep a physical distance between you

Being in a committed, loving relationship brings comfort and closeness - emotionally and physically. You're happy to share their personal space, and for them to share yours. All very cosy.

Yet if you suspect that your partner isn't as interested as they once were, a physical distance can feel like a huge void. That body language could be telling you so.

They never look you in the eye

It's one of the ultimate signs of hiding something - except literally hiding something. Not making eye contact with someone is like holding a sign that says 'I'm keeping something from you.'

In a trusting, caring relationship there should be plenty of eye contact, sometimes even the lingering kind. If your partner is definitely shirking eye contact with you, that's a body language alarm.

They always lean away from you

Got beef with your other half? Don't fret, we've all been there. Mostly, the argument is had, grievances are aired, compromises reached and apologies made. That's the ideal, anyway.

However, if you find that your partner isn't arguing but just leans as far away from you as possible, that's worse than a disagreement. It's body language for stay away.

They constantly roll their eyes 

Because it says so much without a word being uttered, the the classic eye roll is a great tool for silently expressing irritation, boredom or downright contempt. We all do it.

But if you're seeing a lot of eye-rolling from your partner, and it's aimed at you rather than in relation to someone or something else, that's some worrying body language.

Their facial expressions don't suit the mood

Your face tells a story without you needing to speak a word. Well, unless you've got a fine poker face, that is. And your facial expression will normally match the occasion.

Has your partner's face stopped being appropriate to the topic? If you're telling a sad story, they should look sad. A funny anecdote should obviously warrant amusement. Appropriate body language.

They mock or mimic you

A little light teasing is OK between partners, on occasion. You have to read the room, obviously, but it should be done with affection and fun, not in an unkind way.

But when does teasing turn to mockery? You'll know through tone of voice and body language - it'll feel hurtful. If your partner is doing this often, time to read the relationship.

Intimacy feels detached or robotic

It's not always a lack of intimacy that signals a problem - sometimes, the intimacy itself can give a good indication that everything isn't quite right.

If your private moments with your partner are more paint-by-numbers than passionate, it could be a sign that they're not really emotionally present.

Foot rubs are a thing of the past

Foot massages are one of the nicest things you can do for your partner after a long hard day of work. They're a sure sign of love because, let's face it, feet aren't the most pleasant body part. 

If your partner used to happily rub your aching toes but now won't even offer to touch them, it could be a sign that they're no longer comfortable completing such an intimate gesture.

They flinch when you're near them

Next time you touch your partner, pay attention to their reaction - sometimes, faces can subconsciously react to unpleasant situations in ways we don't even realize.

If your partner is flinching or looks irritated at even your slightest touch, it's a sure sign that everything is not ok.