
Feb 22, 2024

25+ Ways To Actually Make Water Taste Good (And Drink More Of It)

We all know we should be drinking more water, and for good reason. Did you know that as much as 60% of the human body is made up of water? Staying hydrated is imperative to keeping your body and mind in tip-top condition, and yet most of us are guilty of skipping as much as we should be drinking. Whether you dislike the taste of plain water or simply find it a chore to keep topping up your bottle, the good news is there are plenty of ways to make water exciting and delicious. Trust us - your body (and mind!) will thank you.<br/>

Feb 20, 2024

These Common Food Safety Mistakes Could Be Making You Sick

Industrial kitchens and restaurants have a stringent health and food safety list of rules to follow. However, the same set of rules don't translate to most homes - and many of us just don’t realize that we're doing anything wrong. Despite our best intentions, there are common mistakes lurking in our kitchens and dining habits that could potentially jeopardize our health. From improper storage to inadequate cooking practices, these innocent errors have the potential to cause serious harm. In order to ensure that the food from your kitchen remains hazard free, here’s a handy list of dos and don'ts to follow.

Feb 19, 2024

30 Signs You've Not Got A High-Value Mindset

In life, our mindset plays a big role in how we grow and feel. Some mindsets can hold us back, making it hard to be happy and successful. Here, we look at signs that show someone might have a low-value mindset as opposed to a high-value one. From thinking you can't change to thinking you know it all, explore the behaviors that might be stopping you from reaching your full potential. By knowing these signs, you can start working on having a better mindset for a happier life.

Feb 19, 2024

Here's What Your Smell Reveals About Your Health

Body odor is a very personal matter, and it can come with a serious stigma if it's not maintained. Regular washing and decent antiperspirant deodorant can make a big difference, but it's more complex than that. How you smell to other people - and sometimes to other animals - can be an indicator of underlying issues beyond needing to wash more often. It can be an indication of a more concerning health condition. It could also signify a particular diet, or even a mental health issue. Read on for more insight into what your smell says about you.

Feb 16, 2024

These Gross Habits Are Actually Good For You

The word gross has immediate negative connotations, calling to mind unappealing habits and social faux pas that should be avoided at all costs. However, what if we told you that some gross habits actually have surprising benefits for your health and well-being? While they may seem unconventional or even unpleasant, these habits can contribute to stronger immunity, improved digestion, and even enhanced mental clarity. From picking your nose to sniffing under your arms to putting off making your bed for as long as possible, in this article, we'll dive into the surprising gross habits with unexpected health benefits.

Feb 15, 2024

40 Ways To Keep Your Memory Sharp Over 40

Welcome to the ultimate guide on keeping your memory sharp as you journey through the fabulous forties and beyond! As the candles on our birthday cakes multiply, it's all too easy for our mental acuity to start waning. Thankfully, there are ways to combat this. Whether it's sharpening your focus with mindfulness techniques or indulging in a daily crossword puzzle, we've got you covered with some ingenious ways to keep your memory shining bright. So sit back, relax, and let's uncover the secrets to maintaining a mind as sharp as a tack well into the golden years. Let the memory games begin!

Feb 14, 2024

Everyday Things That Could Be Ruining Your Eyesight

The eyes are the window to the soul. They are also the way that those of us fortunate to have the gift of sight navigate the world. However, despite how important our eyes are, many of us ignore proper eye health practices. From spending too much time looking at screens to being slack with simple hygiene routines, our eyes are in a daily battle for survival. Even something as easy as forgetting to remove your mascara before bed could be putting your eye health in serious jeopardy. Don’t believe us? Continue down the page to discover the everyday things that could be ruining your eyesight.

Feb 7, 2024

Here's How Your Body Changes When You Hit 40

Aging - it comes for us all eventually! One minute you're out partying until the small hours, and the next you've pulled a muscle getting out of bed at the wrong angle. Graying hair, bigger bellies and sagging skin are just some of the delights we have to look forward to once we hit the big 4-0 - but it's not all doom and gloom. Whether you're already 40 or rapidly approaching your next birthday, this list will help you prepare for the changes your body and mind have in store for you.

Feb 6, 2024

These Health Hacks Could Be Making You Feel Even Worse

As we get older, it is important to ensure that our bodies are maintained and work correctly. Despite what countless wellness gurus and influencers will tell you, being healthy requires hard work and dedication. The internet is littered with easy ways to a happy and healthy body, but most of them are lies. Unfortunately there are no fast hacks to a healthier way of being - at least nothing that has any long-lasting benefits. We’ve been researching how to sort fact from fiction and have devised a list exposing the health hacks that could actually be making you feel even worse.

Feb 6, 2024

30+ Ways Cold Weather Can Ruin Your Health

As the weather gets colder, our chances of becoming ill skyrocket. So many conditions - chest infections, high blood pressure, cold sores, norovirus, frostbite - can either develop or worsen throughout the winter season. This is why it's incredibly important to take the cold weather as seriously as you'd take anything in life. You may smirk at the sight of someone layering themselves with gloves and hats and coats, but that person is less likely to come down with asthma or arthritis anytime soon. Read on to see the many ways the nasty cold weather can ruin your health.<br/>

Jan 31, 2024

Weird Ways That Plants Can Affect Your Health

Plants have been an integral part of our natural environment for millions of years, providing us with oxygen, nourishment, and natural beauty. However, their impact on our well-being goes far beyond these traditional roles. In recent years, research has revealed some fascinating and unexpected ways that plants can affect our health. Of course, just because these benefits are known, doesn't mean you should be entering the wilderness with a trowel and a positive outlook. From purifying the air to boosting our mood, here are some weird ways that plants can influence our physical and mental well-being.

Jan 29, 2024

Everyday Things That Could Be Ruining Your Hearing

Hearing loss, informally known as going deaf, is something you probably associate with getting old. Well it's true that hearing loss can happen to the more mature members of our society, but it's entirely possible in this noisy world we live in, to experience hearing loss well before middle age. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), happens when your sensitive inner ear is exposed to exceptionally loud or repeated noises (anything over 85 decibels (dB)), which damages the tiny hairs inside. To avoid NIHL as much as you can, pay heed to the surprising selection of everyday sounds that could cause it.

Jan 24, 2024

30+ Simple Kitchen Swaps That Could Extend Your Lifespan

Ever heard the saying 'small changes can make a big difference'? Well, we've been researching small and easy-to-implement kitchen swaps that can have a big impact on your health. From embracing the air-fryer fad for less greasy meals to swapping your beloved carbs for equally delicious but healthier alternatives, these simple changes can significantly improve your health. We've put together this article to offer you practical swaps that can seamlessly fit into your daily life. So, take a read, and discover how these little adjustments in the kitchen can improve your health, and ultimately, lead to a longer life.

Jan 23, 2024

Here's How Being Angry is Ruining Your Health

When the red mist of anger descends, it takes over your entire body, switching off any rationality that you may have had before and sending you into an uncontrollable frenzy. At some point, it's happened to all of us, but did you know that those who frequently experience outward anger are at risk of severe health defects? From minor issues such as an increase in pimples, to major concerns like an increased risk of heart attacks, and the potential for a shortened lifespan. In this article, we'll run through some of the main health issues that frequent bouts of anger has the potential to cause.