Here's How Often You Should Replace Everything in Your Home

Swap out dish sponges weekly

We all know dish sponges can get grimy and need to be thoroughly rinsed after use, but did you know that they can be a breeding ground for bacteria even if they look clean?

To avoid any unwanted guests in your kitchen, aim to swap out your dish sponge every week. Your dishes – and your health – will thank you.

Smoke detectors should be replaced every 10 years

Safety first! Smoke detectors are so important for keeping your home safe. But did you know that they have a shelf life?

We’re not talking the batteries here, we’re talking about the detector itself. Most smoke detectors should be replaced every 10 years to ensure they’re working properly when you need them most.

Smoke alarm batteries should be replaced every 6 months

Just as important as the smoke detector, the batteries that power it are essential to being sure it functions correctly.

Don’t wait for the low battery beep to remind you; instead, make it a habit to replace your smoke alarm batteries every 6 months. An easy tip? Switch them out when daylight savings time begins and ends.

Swap out your toothbrush or toothbrush head every 3-4 months

We brush our teeth twice a day, every day, but how often do we think about replacing our toothbrush? Don’t just wait until it’s worn down.

Dentists recommend swapping out your toothbrush or toothbrush head every 3 to 4 months to avoid bacteria build up and keep your teeth in tip-top shape.

Makeup brushes should be replaced every couple of years

Yes, makeup brushes aren’t cheap, so it makes sense why you may be a little reluctant to buy new ones, but unfortunately, they don’t last forever.

So, to keep your skin healthy and your makeup looking flawless, aim to replace your brushes every couple of years. And don’t forget to clean them regularly!

Showerheads should be replaced every 6-8 years

Showerheads can gather mineral deposits over time, affecting water flow and harboring bacteria.

So if you want to keep that water pressure high and ensure your showers are both refreshing and clean, replace your showerhead every 6 to 8 years. After all, no one wants to leave a shower less clean than when they entered.

Perfume and cologne can last up to 5 years

We all have our favorite perfume, and we also know they’re often not cheap. Many people use theirs sparingly – effectively stretching out their value.

But did you know that perfumes and colognes actually have a shelf life? Most can last up to 5 years if stored properly, but after that, you may start to notice an odd smell.

Houseplants should be repotted every year

Ah, houseplants – notoriously difficult to keep alive. If you’re one of the lucky ones who manages to keep yours alive beyond a few weeks or months, then you should consider repotting after a year.

In time they can outgrow their pots, so to keep your green friends healthy, and repot to give them room to grow and make sure they’re getting the right nutrients.

Mattresses should be switched out every 8 years

Did you know, we spend about a third of our lives sleeping? For some of us this number is even more, so it’s important to have a comfortable mattress.

Even if you’ve found your perfect mattress, remember that over time it will naturally lose its support and accumulate germs, bacteria and a hefty amount of dead skin – gross. So for a solid, healthy sleep try and replace your mattress every 8 years.

Bath towels should be replaced every 2 years

Our bath towels see a lot of action. From drying off after a shower to wrapping up our wet hair, they’re on constant duty.

Over time, they can lose their absorbency and even harbor unwanted bacteria. To keep your towels fluffy, fresh and effective, make it a point to replace them every two years.

Hand towels should be swapped out annually

Hand towels in your bathroom or kitchen are frequently used, and sometimes they might not even get a chance to dry properly.

This continuous dampness can be a breeding ground for bacteria. For hygiene’s sake, make it a practice to change out hand towels once a year.

Change your pillows every 1-2 years

Sweet dreams can quickly turn sour if you’re resting your head on old pillows. Over time, even if the pillow cases are washed regularly, pillows can gather dust mites, skin cells, and even mold.

When put like that, sounds pretty disgusting, right? Refresh your pillows every one to two years to make sure you keep breathing easily.

Razors should be swapped out every 5-7 shaves

We all know a close shave is all about the blade. Using a dull razor can lead to cuts, ingrown hairs, and skin irritation. And if you’re using disposable razors, they’re really not designed for prolonged use.

Aim to change your razor or razor blade every 5 to 7 shaves to get that smooth, close shave every time.

Bath mats should be replaced every 2 years

Bath mats are stood on and soaked daily, and over time they can become breeding grounds for mold and mildew. Even with regular washings, they can start to look and feel worn out.

So, make sure your feet are stepping onto something clean and fluffy after a bath, by changing out your bath mats every two years.

Nonstick pans should be replaced every 5 years

Your nonstick pan makes morning eggs a breeze, but did you know that over time the nonstick surface can wear out?

Once the surface starts to peel or show signs of wear, it’s not just an inconvenience—it can be unhealthy. Aim to replace your nonstick pans every five years to keep your food free from unwanted particles.

Oven mitts should be replaced every 2 years

Burned fingertips? No one’s got time for that. Oven mitts are there to protect, but with repeated use, they lose their effectiveness.

Stains, thinning fabric, or even small burns are signs that it’s time to retire your mitts. Get a new pair every 2 years or sooner if they show wear and tear.

Change water filters every 6 months

Crystal clear water is not just about taste; it’s about health. Over time, water filters can become less effective and may not catch all the impurities they once did.

For the freshest, cleanest water, remember to change your filter approximately every 6 months. Cheers to hydration!

Carbon monoxide detectors should be replaced every 5 years

Think about the importance of safety in your home. Carbon monoxide detectors are indispensable for every household, yet many don’t realize that like other electronics, they too have a lifespan.

Their sensors degrade over time. So, even if it still beeps, it’s crucial to replace them every 5 years. It’s a small price for peace of mind.

Vacuum cleaners should be replaced every 8 years

Yes, it’s true that a good vacuum can be a significant investment, but it is also an essential tool in keeping your home clean and hygienic. With constant use, their suction diminishes.

So, as a rule of thumb, vacuum cleaners should be replaced every 8 years. This ensures that you’re using a machine that’s up to date with the latest technology and operating at peak efficiency.

Nail polish should be replaced every 2 years

We all have a collection of nail polishes, but did you know they have a shelf life? Over time, nail polish can become thick, clumpy, and difficult to apply.

Plus, the color can change. So, to keep your nails looking their best, aim to replace your nail polish every 2 years.

Replace your bed sheets every 2-3 years

Slipping into fresh bed sheets after a long day is one of life’s simple pleasures. But, like everything else, they too wear out.

To keep your bed clean and comfortable, it is best to replace your bed sheets every 2-3 years. No one wants to be sleeping on worn-out, thinning sheets.

Washing machines should be swapped out every 10 years

Washing machines have come a long way in terms of efficiency and technology. If your washing machine is over 10 years old, it may be time to consider replacing it.

Newer models are more energy-efficient and can save you money in the long run by using less water and electricity.

Dishwashers should be swapped out every 10 years

Just like washing machines, dishwashers have also evolved over time. A dishwasher that is over 10 years old may be costing you more money than you realize in terms of water and energy usage.

Consider swapping out your old dishwasher for a newer, more efficient model every 10 years.

Microwaves should be replaced every 7 years

From reheating leftovers to those 2-minute mug cakes, microwaves are the unsung chefs of our kitchen. But even these speedy helpers have a timeline.

Components age and efficiency wanes. Ensure your meals are evenly heated and safe by replacing your microwave roughly every 7 years. After all, no one likes a cold center.

Hair dryers should be replaced every 5 years

Over time, hair dryers can become less efficient and even potentially unsafe – think about broken parts, like the back cover coming off.

It’s best to replace your hair dryer every 5 years, and avoid any safety problems like the dreaded hair getting tangled in the back.

Electric toothbrushes should be replaced every 3-5 years

We’ve already discussed those toothbrush heads, but they’re not the only things that need changing. With electronic toothbrushes, like all electronic devices, they can wear out over time and be less efficient.

So replace your electric toothbrush every 3-5 years for peace of mind that you’re effectively cleaning your teeth.

Shower liners should be changed every 3 months

You might be surprised, but shower liners, especially the plastic ones, can quickly become moldy and build up soap scum. If you’re starting to notice spots or a bad smell, it’s probably time to swap it out.

For clean and fresh showers, make it a habit to replace your shower liners every 3 months.

Mattress protectors should be changed every 1-2 years

Mattress protectors work hard to shield our notoriously difficult clean mattresses. But, over time, they can wear out, and can become less and less protective.

To make sure you’re still guarding your mattress effectively, it’s best to change the protector every 1 to 2 years.

Throw blankets should be swapped out every 5 years

They cozy up your living room and provide warmth during chilly nights. But even throw blankets, with time, can become worn out, lose their softness, or even fade in color.

To keep your comfort level at its peak, consider swapping out throw blankets every 5 years. Here’s to many more cozy nights ahead.

Throw pillows should be replaced every 5 years

Now, this one is about both cleanliness and comfort. While they might seem decorative, throw pillows can accumulate dust and allergens over time.

Plus, continuous use can cause them to lose their shape and firmness. To keep your living space both stylish and hygienic, aim to replace your throw pillows every 5 years.

Batteries should be replaced as needed

From remote controls to smoke detectors, batteries power many household essentials. Keep a store of replacement batteries so you can replace them as soon as you notice a decrease in performance.

Not only does this mean your devices work optimally, but it also helps prevent potential battery leaks that can be damaging.

Loofahs should be replaced every month

You might not realize it, but your loofah can harbor bacteria, mold and yeast. Given they’re used to scrub off dead skin cells, it’s super important to keep them clean and fresh.

Make it a point to replace your loofah every month to make sure that you’re getting the cleanest and most refreshing shower experience.

Replace your sunscreen every year

Sunscreen isn’t just for beach days; it’s a year-round essential. But like many products, its active ingredients can degrade over time.

If your sunscreen has been sitting in your drawer for a while, especially past its expiration date, it might not offer the protection you expect. Replace your sunscreen every year. Your unburned skin will thank you!

Water bottles should be replaced every couple of years

Hydration is key, and many of us have a favorite water bottle that we take everywhere. However, over time, reusable water bottles, especially plastic ones, can develop cracks and harbor bacteria.

Plus, they can start to retain bad smells or stains. Stay healthy and hydrated, and replace your water bottle every couple of years.

Plastic food storage containers should be replaced every 3-5 years

We all have that drawer or cupboard filled with plastic containers for storing leftovers, but did you know that they have a lifespan? Over time, plastic containers can become warped, stained, and even start to break down, potentially seeping harmful chemicals into your food.

For the sake of your health, consider swapping out your old plastic containers for new ones every 3 to 5 years.

Shower curtains should be swapped out every 6 months

Shower curtains are constantly exposed to moisture, making them a hotspot for mold and mildew. Even with regular cleanings, they can start to degrade.

Keep your bathroom hygienic by changing out your shower curtain every six months. A bonus? It’s a simple way to refresh your bathroom’s look!

Coffee machines should be swapped out every 5 years

You might be surprised to hear that coffee machines have a lifespan. After consistent use, heating elements can wear out, and the machine can become less efficient.

On top of this, some parts can be difficult to clean properly so muck can build up. For the best-tasting coffee, aim to replace your coffee maker every 5 years.

Hair straighteners should be swapped out every 5 years

While they help achieve that perfect sleek look, hair straighteners see a lot of heat and wear over time. Their plates can deteriorate, and their heating efficiency can dwindle.

To keep your hair looking its best and to avoid potential heat damage, consider replacing your hair straightener every 5 years.

Air filters should be changed every 3 months

Breathing clean air is a necessity. Over time, air filters in your heating or cooling system can become clogged with dust, pollen, and other particles.

For the sake of your home’s air quality and the efficiency of your system, remember to swap out your air filters approximately every 3 months.

Kitchen towels should be replaced every year

Kitchen towels are used for everything from drying dishes to wiping hands, making them prone to bacteria buildup.

Even with regular washing, over time, they can become stained and less absorbent. For hygiene’s sake, aim to replace your kitchen towels every year.