The 30 Best Foods to Eat the Morning After a Night Out, According to Science


Contrary to popular belief, salty foods can actually help with the effects of dehydration, thanks to the fact that they're packed full of electrolytes.

While pickles might not be the easiest thing to stomach when you're hungover, they will give your body exactly what it needs to start recovering.


A surprising and whimsical study involving hungover mice found that mango clears alcohol from the blood faster than an electrolyte solution.

While the study has yet to be repeated with humans, there's certainly no harm in adding some mango to your hangover breakfast smoothie.

Green tea

One of the worst parts of being hungover is the anxiety, which will generally fill in the alcohol-induced gaps in your memory with the worst scenarios imaginable.

Fortunately, green tea can help, with its high levels of L-theanine taking the edge off your anxiety and helping you to chill out and move on.


Blueberries are often described as a superfood, so it's no surprise that they can come in handy when you're dealing with the consequences of excessive partying.

Studies have shown that blueberries can reduce the inflammation associated with hangovers, soothing your symptoms and promoting recovery.


Glutathione is an antioxidant that helps your body process alcohol. Unfortunately, the more you drink the less glutathione your body produces on its own.

Fortunately, oranges can help your body produce more of this useful compound, thanks to their high levels of vitamin C. So why not take one with you on your next night out?


A number of studies have suggested that fructose might help your body process alcohol, decreasing the time it takes to recover from a hangover.

Honey is a fantastic source of fructose, and it also boasts a number of other compounds that are generally beneficial for your health.


Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it dehydrates you, and this dehydration is one of the principle reasons you feel so dreadful after a night of heavy drinking.

Getting electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium back into your body is one of the quickest ways to start recovering from a hangover, and bananas are the perfect food for this.

Chicken soup

Everyone knows that chicken soup can help you feel better when you've got a cold, but it might also help with more self-inflicted ailments.

Chicken soup can rehydrate you and provide you with a healthy serving of protein at the same time, making it a great choice for a hungover meal.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are chock full of vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant which can combat the inflammation caused by alcohol consumption.

They also boast high levels of magnesium, which means they might be helpful for reducing the anxiety often associated with hangovers.


Eggs are another food that can help your body produce more glutathione, thanks to their high levels of an amino acid called cysteine.

They are also a fantastic source of protein, meaning they can give your body what it needs to start repairing the damage caused by your overindulgence.


When you drink alcohol, your body loses folate, an important nutrient which is essential to the formation of red blood cells.

Fortunately, spinach is absolutely packed with the stuff. Try blending some into a fruit smoothie to curb your hangover and help you bounce back.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are named after the Mayan word for strength and, let's be honest, strength is exactly what you need when you're feeling rough.

If you know you'll be heading out on the town, make a chia pudding and leave it in your fridge overnight. It will then be ready to eat in the morning.


Studies have shown that avocados contain compounds which protect the liver, making them a useful ally when it comes to preventing damage from alcohol consumption.

If you can, eat an avocado before you go out. If that's not an option, make sure you've got one on hand for breakfast the morning after.


It turns out there's a reason you crave bacon or other meats when you're hungover; alcohol damages the body, and it needs protein to repair itself. 

If you can, go for leaner options like chicken or turkey, but we won't judge you if the calling for a traditional bacon sandwich is just too strong.


Salmon is one of the best natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids. This important nutrient is a potent anti-inflammatory, so it might just reduce your hangover symptoms. 

For a delicious hangover remedy, try eating some smoked salmon with avocado and poached eggs on an English muffin.


The medicinal properties of ginger have been recognized for thousands of years, with the pungent, fiery root prized for its ability to reduce nausea.

If your stomach is doing summersaults the morning after a heavy night, try eating a few raw strips of ginger, or soak some in boiling water to make a tea.


When you're hungover, the thought of forcing food down can seem like an insurmountable task. Unfortunately, your body desperately needs nutrients to start the recovery process. 

Since they're so bland, crackers can be easy to get down, and their carbohydrates will give you some much needed energy. They will also line your stomach so you can attack a proper meal later.


While you should generally resist cravings for junk food when you're hungover, pizza isn't the worst option in the world.

The tomato sauce contains liver-protecting compounds, and you can choose healthy toppings like lean meats, mushroom and olives, all of which will help you recover faster.


Studies have shown that asparagus contains compounds which can help the body break down alcohol, potentially shortening the length of your hangover.

While the thought of boiling asparagus first thing in the morning might seem a bit intense, you'll thank yourself later if you manage it.


In addition to dehydrating you, alcohol also causes your blood vessels to constrict, which reduces blood flow to the brain and results in a nasty headache.  

Watermelon contains L-citrulline, a compound which acts as a vasodilator, restoring blood flow to the brain and taking the edge off your migraine.


According to a study conducted by Australian scientists, pears can reduce the severity of hangover symptoms by between 16 and 21 percent.

Pears also seem to work as a preventative measure, so you can do your future self a favor by eating a couple before you start drinking.


Magnesium is involved in over 300 bodily processes, so it's no surprise that drinking - which causes your magnesium levels to drop - can make you feel pretty rubbish.

Nuts are one of the best non-supplemental forms of magnesium, which makes them a perfect snack to help with your hangover.


In addition to giving your body the protein it needs to repair itself when its hungover, you also need complex carbohydrates to give you a steady source of energy.

Oatmeal is the perfect candidate for the job, with studies suggesting it could help with the fatigue often associated with hangovers.


When you drink alcohol, your body loses water faster than it can replenish it, leading to dehydration and all the subsequent symptoms of a hangover.

You should try to drink water throughout your night to offset the effects of dehydration, and you should also drink plenty the following day.

Coconut water

When it comes to treating a hangover, coconut water gives you two benefits for the price of one! What could be better than that?

Firstly, it's incredibly rehydrating, getting much needed water back into your body. Secondly, it boasts high levels of electrolytes, which are the key to reducing hangover symptoms.


Because caffeine is a stimulant, coffee can give you some much needed energy when you're hangover, as well as boosting your mood. 

However, coffee can also be quite harsh on your stomach, so if you're feeling nauseated it's probably best to steer clear, at least until you've eaten something.


Toast is a good source of carbohydrates and it's pretty easy on the stomach, making it a great choice when you're hangover.

Toast also goes perfectly with many of the other items on this list, such as eggs, salmon and avocado.


While they might bring back unwanted memories of the two-for-one mojitos which left you in your current predicament, limes can also help you feel a lot better.

This is thanks to their high content of vitamin C which, as has been already discussed, helps your body produce more glutathione.


Pasta has a reputation as the ultimate comfort food, with good reason. Thanks to its high carb content, pasta causes a release of serotonin into the brain.

This is why you feel happy and sleepy after eating a big bowl of pasta, and it's also why it's a great choice for dinner after a heavy night.

Bitter greens

Bitter greens - which include kale, collards and chicory - probably aren't high on the list of things you want to eat when you're hungover.

If you can force them down, however, they'll help improve your liver function, which means you'll be able to metabolize alcohol faster. 


With its powerful, yeasty flavor, Marmite can be a daunting proposition when you're suffering from a nasty hangover.

However, the dark, salty spread is packed full of iron, magnesium and vitamin B, making it a powerful tool for speeding up recovery.

Tomato juice

Research has shown that tomato juice contains compounds which may protect the liver from damage. That doesn't mean, however, that you should combat your hangover with a Bloody Mary.

While vodka is definitely going to make you feel better in the short term, you're only delaying the inevitable and ensuring that your eventual hangover will be far worse.


Turkey boasts incredibly high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid which serves as the building block for serotonin.

Since hangovers are often accompanied by feelings of depression, a large serving of turkey can give your body what it needs to make you feel happy again.


While Americans tend to view the British breakfast of beans on toast with suspicion, there's evidence that it might blunt the symptoms of a hungover.

In addition to their high fiber content, baked beans pack plenty of folic acid, a nutrient which helps regulate your nervous system.


When you eat chocolate, your brain releases a large amount of dopamine. This is why chocolate makes you feel good, and it's also why you always crave more.

While you shouldn't stuff your face with chocolate when you're hungover, a few squares can give you a much needed injection of happiness.

Sports drinks

Sports drinks like Gatorade typically contain a mixture of sugar and electrolytes, which is how they improve athletic performance.

This also makes them perfect for treating hangovers. Try to avoid carbonated drinks, however, as they're likely to further irritate your stomach.


If you're in the throes of a particularly vicious hangover and struggling to get food down, try eating some Jell'o.

Jell'o is much easier to eat than solid food, and it will get some sugar into your bloodstream, lifting your spirits in no time.


As well as packing plenty of complex carbohydrates, potatoes are also high in starch, which can absorb leftover alcohol in your stomach.

While McDonald's fries are unlikely to cut it, you can easily incorporate some potatoes into your breakfast by making a Spanish omelette.

Bone broth

Bone broth is currently in vogue, and with good reason. Boasting high levels of collagen and protein, bone broth is one of the healthiest foods around. 

It's also great for reducing the intensity of a hangover, and it's pretty easy on the stomach. That is, if you can stomach drinking bone juice the morning after a night out.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is packed with nutrients like protein, magnesium, monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, all of which can help combat a hangover.

Make sure you read the label before you buy, however, as many brands come with added palm oil and sugar.