May 15, 2024

Eat a Teaspoon of Olive Oil Every Day for 30 Days and This Happens

Olive oil is referred to as 'liquid gold' in many parts of the world, and, as far as your health is concerned, that's an accurate nickname. Once demonized for its high fat content, in recent years a number of studies have confirmed what Mediterranean communities have known for thousands of years: olive oil is incredibly good for you. In fact, eating just a single spoonful of olive oil every day could radically change your health, increase your stamina and prevent serious diseases - and it might just add years to your lifespan. Read on to find out exactly what liquid gold could do for you...

May 15, 2024

Drink a Cup of Green Tea Every Day for 30 Days and This Happens

For thousands of years, green tea has been an important part of the diets of people in Japan, China and South Korea, and it's no coincidence that these places have some of the highest life expectancies in the world! From increasing your stamina and improving your bowel habits to preventing serious diseases, a daily cup of green tea could work miracles, adding years to your lifespan and even improving your looks too! Ditch the coffee and brew up a cup, and read on to find out how to get the most out of your daily dose of green gold.<br/>